Repeating L4

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We have a two-gym family at our gym too. They have a son and a daughter and they train in different towns! I asked the mom why she opted to have them go to different gyms especially since her son goes to the second best gym in the state. She said the daughter really loves the coaching staff and atmosphere at our gym so she makes the sacrifice for both of her kids to stay at the gyms they love.

I admire her but I don't think I could do it. The poor women has two competitive gymnasts competing for gyms in different towns. She says she is in the gym six days a week.

Oh I know that routine when I had my son on team we were at the same gym but DD's training schedule and DS's training schedule were never at the same time and if she was MWF he would be T,Th,Sat. Or if they were on the same day he would be at 3PM and she wouldn't start until 5PM he would be out at 6pm and she would be out at 8pm. It was either drive back and forth 4 times or be there 6 days a week. And never mind the comp schedule it was usually he was in the western part of the state and she would be in the eastern part of the state at meets on the same days at the same times - that was hard!!

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