Parents Request to school for early dismissal?

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Gymmuminfrance, unlikely to be the poisonous ones on the shower rail - more likely a huntsman! Look those up!
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I really would not be OK with a gym that was aware of a long commute and conflict with end of school day that would not allow my kid to practice if they were late. I'd talk to the coaches and see if that was just a rumor or if it was for real. If for real, I'm not sure it would be a fit for our family even if the school were working with us. What if 1 hour into the drive there is a wreck ahead that then puts the kid at 20 minutes late? Would they seriously not let her practice after driving 1.5 hours to get there??? Maybe they sat that is the rule; but it is geared more to the families who live 5 miles away and they are willing to be flexible for someone with a legit excuse.
BTW: Most people also wouldn't see a kangaroo except at a zoo (unless you lived away from cities)

This makes me a little sad. I kind of want to live in a world where lots of people have kangaroos as part of their everyday life.

Back on topic....I'm on the fence about missing school for gym. Meets don't bother me at all. But it would have bothered me for my child to miss school over compulsories. I think it would even concern me some for DD to miss school over lower optionals.

I guess if she makes it to L9 /L10, I'd feel like she had a legitimate reason at that point. But again, this is just what I feel based on my values and I have no judgement on those who have different values. I just figure as hard of a time as mine has with school, pulling her out early would only compound that!
I have been down the dark path of CGM and back. Homeschooled DD for gym, we decided that she missed school too much. Ended up moving DD to a new gym, that even though it is further away, has fewer days a week practices ( longer practices ) . She really likes the new gym. It's like I have a different kid.

And fortunately, I don't have to pull her out of school early, either. Old gym, I had to sign her out 30 min early or have her be late for practice ( before we started homeschooling).
We also moved to a new gym which requires me getting my daughter out a little early twice a week. When I talked to the school about it they said the time will count against her. So every Mon. and Wed. I have to write a note (couldn't just write one saying every Mon. and Wed I have to write a note every time). I get her out 15 minutes early so after 3 1/2 months or so she will accumulate 1 day unexcused absense. Origionally I was going to do 20 or 30 minutes but then we got her schedule and math was at the end of the day and I didn't want her missing it and that would have also made us go over the 3 unexcused days allowed before we end up in trouble with the school system. So we compromised and she misses a few minutes of warm ups and misses only 5 minutes of math. I just can't believe there isn't a better way to do it. I really do not want to homeschool or cyber school so we will have to make it work for now and in 4 years when she is in middle school she will get out earlier and it will no longer be a problem.
I absolutely do not want my girls to miss any educational time because school IS important. But like someone said earlier, we really just needed a different dismissal procedure. As far as I understand it, they will not be missing any learning time - they will just be dismissing differently. I am okay with them missing the regular dismissal procedure on practice days.. I guess I don't see that as such a big deal.
We also moved to a new gym which requires me getting my daughter out a little early twice a week. When I talked to the school about it they said the time will count against her. So every Mon. and Wed. I have to write a note (couldn't just write one saying every Mon. and Wed I have to write a note every time). I get her out 15 minutes early so after 3 1/2 months or so she will accumulate 1 day unexcused absense. Origionally I was going to do 20 or 30 minutes but then we got her schedule and math was at the end of the day and I didn't want her missing it and that would have also made us go over the 3 unexcused days allowed before we end up in trouble with the school system. So we compromised and she misses a few minutes of warm ups and misses only 5 minutes of math. I just can't believe there isn't a better way to do it. I really do not want to homeschool or cyber school so we will have to make it work for now and in 4 years when she is in middle school she will get out earlier and it will no longer be a problem.
You are lucky that it will take 3-1/2 months to accumulate one absence... our school, each day she got out early 15 minutes early would be basically 1/3 of a day absent... In 3 weeks, she would have 2 absence days counted against her :(
I absolutely do not want my girls to miss any educational time because school IS important. But like someone said earlier, we really just needed a different dismissal procedure. As far as I understand it, they will not be missing any learning time - they will just be dismissing differently. I am okay with them missing the regular dismissal procedure on practice days.. I guess I don't see that as such a big deal.
I agree. The way it sounds, your gymmies will only be missing "waiting around, doing nothing" time and that is just wasted time anyways. You are doing it the right way, they aren't missing any "schooling" and they won't be as late to practice :)
This makes me a little sad. I kind of want to live in a world where lots of people have kangaroos as part of their everyday life.

You do realise that that they are only about as exciting as sheep right? Actually, to be fair, more like goats.
Yes, they do fight, but so do deers etc. Kangaroos are kind of like bouncing goats :-)
I think it's hilarious that we have a conversation about school day's end mixed with a discussion of Australian animals. I'll weigh in on both. :-)

We live in a major Australian city, on the edge of suburbia, and there have been kangaroos spotted on our street (though EXTREMELY rarely) and my sister in then next street had an echidna wander through her yard. We do see red belly black snakes in the area. We get powerful owls and kookaburras on the washing line and fence. I once put my hand into a tree in the back yard to get a ball out, and a possum jumped out because I disturbed him. While we do have some of the world's most deadly creatures here in Australia, most of us never see any of them. :-)

School is dismissed at 3pm, and the kids are let out almost immediately. Most people will have left the school grounds by 3:10. Kids can leave the school by themselves, with their parents/guardians, or go to the bus line to be escorted to the bus. It's lovely chaos, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
This makes me a little sad. I kind of want to live in a world where lots of people have kangaroos as part of their everyday life.

Back on topic....I'm on the fence about missing school for gym. Meets don't bother me at all. But it would have bothered me for my child to miss school over compulsories. I think it would even concern me some for DD to miss school over lower optionals.

I guess if she makes it to L9 /L10, I'd feel like she had a legitimate reason at that point. But again, this is just what I feel based on my values and I have no judgement on those who have different values. I just figure as hard of a time as mine has with school, pulling her out early would only compound that!

I agree and would not have done it for compulsories. Last year DD was 8th grade and level 10. Coach wanted them in at 2:30 to give them extra empty-gym time (rec classes start 3:45). I thought for sure that school would deny my request. Our school day ended at 2:30 with dismissal at 2:40, but by the time everyone exited the building and walked to where parents parked, it was close to 3. So her coach and I wrote letters and I met with the principal and district superintendent and it was approved for her to miss the last half hour or Language Arts (they had 1.5 hours per day and she was a straight A student in all subjects).

For high school, our State what's called Option 2, an alternative plan for Phys Ed. For this year, DD had to apply with a 5 page form including 5 short essays as to how her gymnastics applies the principles taught in PE. HC and I both had to write letters, he had to submit his credentials. I had to submit DD's previous report card. She was approved and will be dismissed early everyday but has to do PE related projects each quarter and submit her training logs in order to get PE credits toward graduation. She will have to re-apply each year.

Her one teammate (out of 9) who was not approved came in an hour later and stayed a bit later each day with a different group.
For the kangaroo thing... I always imagined that you saw them around like we (at least in the south east) see deer and turkey. Maybe not every day; but they are out there and you see them sometimes. I'm a little sad to hear that that is not the case.
How big are these elementary schools in the US where it can take 30 mins + to be dismissed after the last class?
This is just so foreign to me as here the kids even from kindergarten just run out of their classes after the bell goes (well when the teachers says to go but that's when the bell goes) and who gets out first/last is down to the child's personality. (wish mine were ever the first out kind!)

LOL 2G1B - leotardmakermum has had some in her street and she isn't in the country so it's not unheard of. @leotardmakermum that is so cool - not seen them in our street!! We just have lot's of peacocks and the usual hundreds of killer possums.
I don't know about elementary, but our middle school is almost 2500 kids. It takes an hour and twenty minutes for my girls to get out, on the bus, and get off- and that is a whole three stops and three miles.
Our school district sets the rules, but they work in our favor. School is technically out at 315, but they start calling out car riders names (and the kids are all outside in their designated area by grades) at 310. At 315 they dismiss walkers and bike riders. I believe bus riders are in between. We transferred our son to a STEM school this year (same school district though) and have found it to be the same at the new school (though they have two different exits for walkers based on where they are walking to). They have the "all transportation changes must be submitted by 230" and "no dismissals after 245" rule.

DS's new school is 30 min away. And new gym (we switched in May) is 30 min in the opposite direction. I pick up a neighbor along the way (he goes to school that our son is zoned to). I make sure I am there early on practice days for pick up and we get to gym (practice starts at 415) with time for the boys to change.

We did find last year that it was quicker to ride bikes home than catch the bus. It's all a matter of finding out what works for you. Good luck.
Our elementary school has about 1,100 kids. The next closest one to us is smaller, I think about 800 kids (it is maybe 6 miles from our school). They don't just dismiss the kids here. Most ride the bus, a few hundred do car rider of some sort (walk up like my kids, or in the car rider line). I'd guess there are maybe 20 kids or less who walk. There is only one neighborhood that is located where it would be safe to walk (there are trails to get from there to the school, the school is on a main road with no sidewalks).

I can't imagine peacocks just walking around either!!! Have you seen how ugly a wild turkey is? And that and geese are the main birds we have wandering around. We do have possums. Way too many. And lots of racoons. Oh. And ground hogs. Waaaaay too many of those. But nothing fun!!
2G1b.. That is HUGE!! D's middle school isn't quite that big. The charter school I teach at has 300 students, and 60 of those are preschoolers!!I cannot imagine an elementary school that big

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