For the kangaroo thing... I always imagined that you saw them around like we (at least in the south east) see deer and turkey. Maybe not every day; but they are out there and you see them sometimes. I'm a little sad to hear that that is not the case.
Do you see deer and turkey in the suburbs though?
I live in one of Australia's biggest cities, in suburbs close to the city. Every so often there will be a kookaburra in the tree in the back. Cockatoos, parrots and galahs are around a fair bit. Fruit bats at night. It don't like huntsman (spiders) in the house. It's a fine art waiting until they are low enough down the wall to be within reach to pop a container over the top to get them outside and well down the street before releasing. Once they're big enough that this isn't possible I try to pretend that they're not there. Sending DH to extract the big ones don't normally end well. Kangaroos don't make it into the suburbs unless you are at the edge of suburbia as mentioned. Possums are about here, usually annoying people in a roof.
I used to live not in suburbia, out with dirt roads and water tanks, but not out 'in the country'. Once a neighbour found an echidna and took it in a box around the houses with kids before releasing it. I've seen a platypus in the wild, but only whilst bushwalking (hiking). I've seen kangaroos, wallabies, my friend recently saw a wild wombat but none of this is near areas where people live. You need lots of grass for kangaroos and they're not solitary, so it's not like they're going to hop between backyards

they're more in bushland or pasture land. I've never seen a wild koala. Cockatoos are everywhere, snakes are around too. Emus aren't.
In the inner city suburb where I live, there are 5 um, elementary, schools within walking distance (up to 30 minutes walk for a child). The largest has 600 kids. The smallest 200 kids. 450 is a pretty common school size.
I can't imagine schools as large as you guys have. Suddenly all this talk about procedures for picking them up make sense! Does this mean you have no choice in school?