WAG Score Recording?

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Eh. To each their own. I almost always keep up with all of the scores for my kids' team. For that I like to know what the team score was. Not so much to know if the team placed; but to kind of keep up with if it was a good meet for the team based in their previous team scores. I also will jot down the scores of their previous team mates (gym change for us). I'm still friends with those parents and my kids are still friends with them. I like to be able to say something like "hey! Awesome job on beam today!". I only watch the other kids if no one on my kids' new team are going at the same time, so often the only way I know how these kids did is from scores. OH, and I like to be able to tell their new teammates good job on specific events. In our areas the majority of parents keep up with at least the team scores.
We have parents on our team who write down our entire team's scores. I think it's a bit odd, but whatever. I can barely catch my own DD's scores, never mind worrying about everyone else's! And I don't get the "I'm doing it to figure out the team score", etc., because you would have to know the other teams' scores too. And how the heck do people know who is in their child's age group to record those scores too?!

Awards are more exciting if they're a surprise. I don't expect anything, but when DD places on something, it's a bonus;).
If the meet offers a program with all the gymnasts names/ age groups/ etc, figuring out who is in the age group is easy. Mostly I just want to know HOW MANY are in the group - could care less WHO it is. Plus, the only meet we have with the electronic flashing scores is Nationals. All other meets, they flash by hand... and have gymnasts doing it... and they sometimes make mistakes (like flashing a 7.62 - but not all mistakes are so obvious). Plus, in 2 of the gyms we go to, they have bars and floor in one room and beam and vault in another. You can't watch your gymmie and see what is going on in the other room. What stinks is when they are doing capital cup format and half of our team rotates to the other gym while the rest are in the first one... that is when either my brother or I rotate with the first group to keep getting our team scores.
As for figuring out the team score - I don't do it to figure out team placement. I do it to see if we have a new team high score OR how many girls contributed OR if a girl that has never contributed to the team score does so for the first time (kind of makes the parents extra proud).
Ok, I must be getting old, or I've been around the sport too long but I don't record anyone's score, not even my own kid....if I want to know how others did, I look it up on mymeetscores or the meet website (results section)....
yeah...where we live, results are rarely posted. They are getting a bit better about it, but some meets, no results at all. i don't obsess over them, but it is kind of fun ;)
I keep track of our own team just to keep me busy because I get so darn nervous at meets!! I keep the score papers from the meets and put them into my girls gym files if they ever want to go back and see what kind of scores they were getting when they were 7! I have to say that these past few meets we've gone to, I have moved all my nervous energy to attempting to take photos or video so I just look up the scores online! At all the meets we go to, there are a ton of parents jotting down scores so it's pretty common here!
Wow. I guess I shouldn't mention the computer program I put together to run on my laptop at meets so I can track all the scores for the entire session. I'm afraid if I mention that I might really creep some people out.

But ... half the parents on the team would look over my shoulder whenever I was using it. :)
Give me a score sheet for a big meet, a cup of coffee.... humph, maybe two cups, and an hour to sort it all out......

Better than the Sunday newspaper....... and cheaper!
It stressed my kid out-so I stopped two years ago-and the only reason I did was because most of the other parents were keeping scores. I only keep her score, and I don't even keep it in an official app, just the notes section on my phone.. My dd had the meet of her life a few weeks ago-several of those parents who do keep score were shocked at how high she placed-just goes to say that the scores don't tell the whole story!
So the OP and several other folks here have said that it's "creepy" to see someone write down all the scores while the meet is in progress. Since the results are usually published within days (or hours or even minutes) after the meet is over, why do you find this creepy? Anyone can go look at your child's score on-line. How is that different than writing it down when it happens?
To each his own - I guess if I thought that parents writing down scores had some grand design with it I'd think its creepy too....most of us have nervous fingers and minds at these things, and like to see the trends our kids and team make. consider it our cross words puzzle! It has nothing to do with figuring out placement for me as I don't note the kids in DD/DSs age group not on the team - just my kids and their friends.

Frankly, at DD level, when she attends her brother's meets she actually tries to judge the events and see how close she comes to the official scores! (on her brother's and their friends only). Older DS tried that with DD team last meet - actually pretty close on vault and bars but his beam and floor scores were WAAAY off!!

It's just part of the fun of attending meets for us as a family - and frankly the score sheets go in the recycling afterwards - half the time my kids don't even remember what place they got in events without looking at the back of the medals....unless it was top 3 at a big meet!
Some of the boys' meets we've been to have had live online scoring. A couple of parents/gymnasts were following our state meet session online as it was happening. Apparently it made for an extremely happy car ride home for one of the younger guys at the same level who was in the earlier session -- he was really hoping his teammates would hit so they could get that first place team banner. The funniest episode with this, though, was when I got a congratulatory text from another mom at an earlier meet this season -- she knew he'd won before I did!

All of my kids like to play "predict the score." The non-gymnast seems to be about as good at it as his sibs.
I also agree about the reporting - around here it is hit or miss on if the scores will be online. We do live in an area where all scoring at a meet is up on the electronic yhi gs and they are almost always all together. It is really pretty easy to keep up with the scores and gives me something to do. I do tend to only write them down on the sheets in the program/ rotation/schedule. I haven't taken the time to do more than that though. I keep meaning to; but never get around to it.
So the OP and several other folks here have said that it's "creepy" to see someone write down all the scores while the meet is in progress. Since the results are usually published within days (or hours or even minutes) after the meet is over, why do you find this creepy? Anyone can go look at your child's score on-line. How is that different than writing it down when it happens?

I don't think it's creepy-and almost always, the scores show up on MyMeetScore or on the hosting gym's website. I can say that some parents who are tracking aren't just tracking to keep busy-some like to see that their kid is the best, some like to see that their kid isn't the worst, some like to gossip about why so and so got better scores. It's human nature-I get it. But when then one of those parents goes on to post on FB who contributed to the Team score-that seems a bit much-and doesn't seem necessary imho.
HI! Fist post here on CB! :)

Anyway, this is my first year having a gymmie and I've never written down scores (Ido notice most everyone else doing so, though). I will say that this last meet we went to didn't post scores and now I wish I had them! Because I've always counted on them being posted, I didn't even try very hard to remember them- nor did my daughter. I guess its a good thing that we're not too focused on them, but just for posterity's sake, I have been saving print-outs of them and now I'm kinda bummed I will be missing them from this last meet.
I don't keep track of team scores, but we have a couple parents who do. I used to think it was a little obsessive, but I think it mostly just gives them something to do during the meet. I must say it was kind of a fun distraction at States this weekend because someone with a meet iphone app could see a running total on the team scores. Plus, the app showed who was scoring season highs.

It was harmless fun and actually helpful when you have a team with multiple flights in the same session and can't watch everything. I can't imagine tracking every single girl in a meet though. How could you even watch any of the meet?
This thread reminds me of people who go to baseball games and keep track of the stats. Yes, it is available as an app, in real time but friends often do it anyway. I enjoy the games for the fresh air and a chance to talk with friends but if others want to write down all the numbers, enjoy your stats. It is something to do during the long meets and if a parent is isn't abusing the information by saying nasty things then I don't have a problem with it.
I am the "OP". Someone asked above why I find it creepy. If a coach is doing it, I don't. But other parents, yes. I guess because I feel like my kid's story is so much more than just the scores. The scores don't show how far she has come in the last year. They don't take account of the fact that she was on crutches a couple months ago and has made an amazing recovery. They don't tell the story of how she is on the autism spectrum and has adhd and has had to overcome so many internal issues to be where she is now. It just feels like to keep track of all the scores places more emphasis on scoring. What happened to keeping our kids internally motivated? I hope I don't offend you all, since I am obviously in the minority here. I am not judging anyone who does it. But it does kind of creep me out.
I am the "OP". Someone asked above why I find it creepy. If a coach is doing it, I don't. But other parents, yes. I guess because I feel like my kid's story is so much more than just the scores. The scores don't show how far she has come in the last year. They don't take account of the fact that she was on crutches a couple months ago and has made an amazing recovery. They don't tell the story of how she is on the autism spectrum and has adhd and has had to overcome so many internal issues to be where she is now. It just feels like to keep track of all the scores places more emphasis on scoring. What happened to keeping our kids internally motivated? I hope I don't offend you all, since I am obviously in the minority here. I am not judging anyone who does it. But it does kind of creep me out.
I understand completely. (I have a nephew and children of friends on the spectrum)... and we have 2 girls with ADHD on our team. We also have a girl with memory issues... competing L4 this season... remembers the "big things" in the floor routine, but may forget a pose here or there. On one of the other teams, there is a girl that is delayed (she is my OG's age, started the same year as OG, and is now competing Xcel Gold against OG). She is one of the girls that I cheer for. I follow her progress throughout the season. In fact, I commented to her mom about how great her floor routine was looking last weekend. (The last time we saw her, she was having trouble with her back tuck, so took a spot, and still put her hands down... she wasn't comfortable changing her routine on the fly like OG does). Our girls are all intrinsically motivated to DO BETTER, but there are times that they don't see the improvement themselves. When I keep track of the scores, I also make note of skill improvements (landing the beam cartwheel for the first time in competition, no fall routine, hit both kips and the squat on, remembered a majority of the "little things" on floor). I have an entire paper devoted to each session of a meet and have space to make notes about each girl. :) It makes updating the team website easier too.

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