Parents Season 2023-2024: How is your gymnast doing?

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Sep 3, 2005
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Just wanted to do an update for all of the parents on the current season. How is your child doing?
  • Have they started competing yet?
  • What is their best event?
  • Any problems or injuries?
  • If they haven't started competing yet... how is preseason coming along?
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These are always fun.. lets see
  • Season starts mid-January for us, with the mock meet in a couple weeks
  • Best event is usually bars, with floor a close second. Will see if that changes this year as a level 9.
  • Knocking on allll the wood, but this is the first season since LEVEL 4 that she hasn't been coming back from an injury.
  • She came home from practice yesterday feeling ready for the mock meet in a couple weeks. She's not starting from a 10 on any event, has composition deductions for less difficulty, but (according to her)she is feeling solid on the skills she has. I think the plan is to add more difficulty as the season progresses. Where I think she's starting at with bonus/composition deductions right now - Vault 9.7, Bars 9.9, Beam 9.7, Floor 9.75.
I am curious as a first year level 9, is it common for girls to not have 10.0 sv / up to level composition deductions? My older daughter retired before she actually competed 9, so this is all new to me.
These are always fun.. lets see
  • Season starts mid-January for us, with the mock meet in a couple weeks
  • Best event is usually bars, with floor a close second. Will see if that changes this year as a level 9.
  • Knocking on allll the wood, but this is the first season since LEVEL 4 that she hasn't been coming back from an injury.
  • She came home from practice yesterday feeling ready for the mock meet in a couple weeks. She's not starting from a 10 on any event, has composition deductions for less difficulty, but (according to her)she is feeling solid on the skills she has. I think the plan is to add more difficulty as the season progresses. Where I think she's starting at with bonus/composition deductions right now - Vault 9.7, Bars 9.9, Beam 9.7, Floor 9.75.
I am curious as a first year level 9, is it common for girls to not have 10.0 sv / up to level composition deductions? My older daughter retired before she actually competed 9, so this is all new to me.
First year 9s and 10s often don't have full start values and sometimes even scratch entire events. Totally normal, and it sounds like she has some great goals to work towards.
Our girls have their in-house meet soon, then their first competitive meet in January.

My daughter (L7) is going through the usual cycles of confidence, excitement, self-doubt and daydreams about taking up a new sport, lol. Our gym has a training year between compulsory and optionals, so it's been over a year since she's had a competition, and I think she's feeling extra rusty. I know she'll get to the competition, it'll all come flooding back, and she'll have a ball. But she has her process, and I try not to mess with it!

Technically, I think she's set up to have a great competition year. She's competing upgraded routines, minus the BHS-BHS beam series she's been battling to reclaim since July (she's really ripping her hair out over that), so she's set with her at-level skills. Which one would think would mean a more relaxed start to the season, but oh well. :)
First meet about three weeks ago, another this weekend. Also, for the first time, my kid will be participating in HS gymnastics. Her school doesn't have a team yet, but she and a friend are competing as independents with another high school. So that will be a different experience!
3 daughters competing this year: 14 year old (level 10), 11 year old (level 8) and 7 year old (level 4). The older 2 start competing in February. They all seem OK with progress and the skills they have to compete. The level 10 is working hard on getting her Jaeger and double back on floor more consistently as well as her beam dismount (1.5 full). Otherwise, I think we are in a pretty decent spot.
First meet about three weeks ago, another this weekend. Also, for the first time, my kid will be participating in HS gymnastics. Her school doesn't have a team yet, but she and a friend are competing as independents with another high school. So that will be a different experience!
My daughter did high school gymnastics this year for the first time and loved it. I know every state is different in how they implement it, but she enjoyed the atmosphere and the low pressure aspect of it in our state. Her school only had 2 girls on team though so she wished there was more of a team. Still a lot of fun! Good luck to your daughter!
My daughter has the mock meet in about 3 weeks and the first meet in mid January. I have no idea what to expect this season, so we will see. She's a 3rd year level 10, but was injured just prior to the season the first 2 so she didn't compete all around or even that many meets. Knock on wood, she's hoping to compete all events this season. I think for the most part she has all of her skills.. just working on putting full routines together still. And trying to upgrade vault, but probably will stay at her current vault for most of the season. Fingers crossed that she stays healthy and happy this season!
Just wanted to do an update for all of the parents on the current season. How is your child doing?
  • Have they started competing yet?
  • What is their best event?
  • Any problems or injuries?
  • If they haven't started competing yet... how is preseason coming along?
  • Have they started competing yet? She has had 2 meets so far (early November and mid-November). She increased her AA by more than 1.8 points between the meets even though she forgot to do her full turn on Floor. She has her next meet next weekend.
  • What is their best event? Not really sure what her best event is, lol, but her score counted for team on Floor in both meets.
  • Any problems or injuries? She is dealing with seasonal allergies (it sucks when the farmers have to bring in the harvest in a hurry and work well into the night for multiple weeks), and her knee is always a question mark. She doesn't get to practice as much as she should, but is doing ok.
For us the year is about to end. There isn’t a season 23/24. Every year is its own season.

Most schools are about to finish for the fair have finished already and begun their longer Summer holidays.

Most gyms will close I. A few more weeks for 2-4 weeks, and many for the full 6 week Summer vacation.

Then it’s a New Year, new teams, new comp season.
My son has his intersquad next weekend, then meets start Jan 5th! I won't make it to that one, but hoping to be at one soon after. He is currently healthy after having to sit out the post season last year due to injury, and is excited for the team this year!
Meets are starting soon, and I think she's in good shape- should know in the next few weeks! Vault is her strongest event, no injuries at the moment (knock on wood!), confidence ebbs and flows but right now she is feeling good. It's a long season and I keep reminding her that she is not trying to peak at these first few meets.
The good news is the in-house meet for my new L9 went better than expected considering some skills are not ready. The bad news is she then got injured and will likely need a few more weeks to heal fully and will probably have to scratch her first meet.
I have no idea since she is away at college (D3). Their first meet is second week of January. But I still don't ask since I don't want to put pressure on her. I have no idea if she will even make a lineup as a freshman. She did say that the team as a whole is weak on bars so maybe she will get a spot on that lineup? I am pretty sure that although she has improved on bars, she not competition ready yet. Even when she was in club I didn't really ask and just found out at the intersquad or first meet, that way I am always surprised, and I don't drive her crazy asking too many times (asking once would be too many times in her book!). Good luck to everyone out there competing this spring!
Two meets this season so far! She fell off of bars in both meets but placed in her best events, beam, and floor. She's building confidence and having fun!
My daughter is doing a second year of level 8 with upgraded routines this year. She’s had one meet and it was a good first meet. She met all of her goals but one and threw all of her upgraded skills.

Beam is usually her best event, followed by bars, but that may change this year. She’s a pretty solid AAer, and I’m excited to watch her compete with such confidence in her skills and abilities. I think this second year of 8 is going to be good for her, and then have her go to 9 next year more confident and solid in her skills, rather than watch her struggle in 9 this year.

We are very blessed in that she hasn’t really had to deal with injuries, other than a couple broken toes, and a minor sprain, and I’m grateful she has coaches that have done a good job with injury prevention and taking care of her body. Praying that she continues to stay healthy!
Had a small warm-up meet and DD was thrilled with how she did on 3/4 events. Having enough power on vault has alluded her since she was in JO2 and still is an issue at her current level (not enough speed and slow going over the table). With all the other events she had new skills that as recently as June couldn't do in practice.

The thing that is making DD sad is being around teammates that are ready to be done. Daily she has to hear talk about this being their last season and all the things they want to do next. At the meet they sometimes phoned it in or just scratched because "what does it matter I'm done" kind of attitude. DD is not done but she is worried that half the team will quit either mid-season or at the end.
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Just wanted to do an update for all of the parents on the current season. How is your child doing?
  • Have they started competing yet?
  • What is their best event?
  • Any problems or injuries?
  • If they haven't started competing yet... how is preseason coming along?
My daughter is an older Level 1 and the judging is so confusing! She had a good first meet, but knows how she could have done better on beam (8.85) and bars (8.8). She got a 9.275 on floor, and also knows where she could improve there. But, she got an 8.975 on vault, and has no idea what she did wrong. Since I don't have the compulsory book, any experienced moms know what small things could lower a vault score that you learned later? It looked pretty to me lol. Is an arm swing required? She didn't have one. Is there a length time for handstand? I couldn't answer her questions about it and told her to ask her coaches. No matter what, I'm just glad she is ready to get back out there!
My daughter got through her intrasquad meet, and I think she did really well! She was not so sure (lol) but for the first time there were no post-intrasquad tears (L4 she forgot her floor routine halfway through, L5 she fell off beam). This year, she fell off bars when she went for her clearhip-handstand, which she was a little upset about, but I think it's way better to go for the handstand than not (especially since when she hits it, it's lovely). She was a little too amped for floor (big rebounds and big hops), beam went great, and I honestly have no idea what I'm looking for on L7 vault.... but she fell on the mat with great style :D I think she and her teammates are going to have a great season to come.
We changed gyms about 8 months ago. My now 9yr old did about the equivalent of half a season as a level 5 with the old gym between Jan-Mar. The new gym had her compete as a level 5 again so they could get some of those foundational skills a little more techinally sound. WOW! The improvement we have seen is ridiculous!! The last meet at her old gym her AA score was 28.75, her bar score was a scary 4.05. Thanks to a lot of hard work from her and her coaches she finished this Fall season (Aug-Dec) with an AA score of 36.675 at her final meet. She came in first AA and on floor and beam! Bars ar still a bit of a struggle but her high score of 8.725 more than doubled that last bad score.

She has also done the TOPS physical abilities testing and should be doing skills testing in Spring with hopes to go to Texas in June for National Testing.

She is having so much fun with gymnastics right now. She is really seeing how hard work pays off and loving more detailed coaching.

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