My dd was 9 when she was diagnosed with 3 stress fractures in her back. 2 on L5 and 1 on L4. One was healed over and even though I had brought her in for back pain a year earlier to an orthopedic who "specialized" in gymnasts, she only took an x-ray and told me that her back was fine. (If I only knew then what I know now!!) Anyhow, the cause of her stress fractures was an over zealous conditioning coach who thought he was training TOPS and strapped 10 lbs of weights around her waist 5 days a week for an hour at a time. He had her lifting weights, doing leg lifts,etc. AND doing gymnastics all while having these weights strapped around her waist. She was a tiny little thing already- 10th percentile for weight. She had a high pain tolerance and was a people pleasing gymnast. She was finally carried off the floor by an assistant coach. Parents were not allowed in this gym. It almost ended her gymnastics career! When I confronted the coach and owner, they told me that maybe the backpack she carried to school was too heavy! She was out of the gym for 4 months. The other 2 girls that he conditioned like this were severely harmed as well. One had to have back surgery and have titanium rings inserted in her back and it eventually ended her career. The other one has had ongoing back problems even as a third yr. level 10. Mine was very lucky that with time out of the gym, proper physical therapy and relearning techinique, she has never had long term reprecussions. Of course we also switched gyms. This is serious stuff and should not be taken lightly!