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Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, so i haven't been on here for a while because my internet was down, and i've been to a lot of meets since then, and with it, a lot of good news! Lets start at two meets ago, cuz thats where the interesting stuff starts. :) So i had been working on double flyaways off bars, and i competed it for the first time. Well, i missed my straddle cut and then got lost in my dismount, so i landed on my hands and knees. got a 7.3. not very good. I fell on my layout stepout on beam, and didn't get a great score, had a great floor routine, and vaults, and got ok scores. Then this weekend, we had bars first, and it was the same judge as last weekend (strange, i know) and so i made my straddle cut and my double dismount and he gave me a 9.05. Then we went to beam and i fell on my layout stepout (again), but other than that had a great routine and i got a 9.15! Then we went to floor and i had an awesome routine and got a 9.2. Then vault i stuck my tsuk and got a 9.25 for an all-around score of 36.65! I got first place in all around, bars, and floor, and second (behind my teammate) on Beam and Floor. I'm excited for the meet next week, and we scored a 141.95 team score at the last meet, and are currently the first place MAGA team ahead by 2 points. :)
Wow you have done so well, a bit rocky at the start, but then some awesome results, congrats on the team placement.
MAGA is a lot like highschool gymnastics. I used to compete USAG and didn't have a hard time changing. The requirements are a little different, and the scoring is about 5 tenths higher than USAG. Also, the good girls all go USAG, so we aren't that amazing, but we sound good. :) Also MAGA is just the Midwest, mostly Minnesota, so we don't get any national competition. It is mostly the same, just different judges and different requirements, and not much competition, and nowhere to go after state (we have been the champions for the last 2 years) so yeah. I would really like to go USAG, just for the exposure (i am trying for a scholarship) but other than that, MAGA is great!
Good for you! As far as I'm concerned, any kind of gymnastics or competition is a great accomplishment!

It's interesting to learn of the regional leagues other than USAG or that are part of the USAG but slightly different. I've seen mentions of other on CB as well, like AAU, Amerikids, etc. (sorry to anyone if I categorized these incorrectly, no offense intended)

Once again, good for you and keep working hard!
Good job tose are had skill to master. keep up the good work. No matter what group you compete with gymnstics is a hard sport. It takes lots of dedication good for you!!
well, i've been informed that we aren't the first place team anymore. Darn. This team thats ahead of us is really good, and we only beat them by less than 2 tenths at state last year, so they are going to give us a run for our money this year!!

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