second L4 meet this Saturday

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Sabrina has her second L4 meet of the year (she is repeating level 4...last year she had pretty awful form, so the coaches held her was definitely the right decision, now she's like the princess of the floor routine):D

She tied for 2nd place AA at the first one, but she started coming down with a cold yesterday :((the whole fam has had it...she decided she better get around her brothers and catch it quick so she can be over it by then, rather than get it towards the end of the week, LOL)

This is her home meet. DH is doing all the video work for all the levels, and last year the squad signs were all so ugly I volunteered to make them this year;)

I have to get that done still. DH and I both have the icky cold too. But I digress...please send us luck, fairy dust, big air, (Lysol too, LOL)

I will glad send you my faries as long as I can have them back for Sunday. DD will have her 2nd L5 meet (it's her second year at L5) on Sunday. Last time the floor fairy was late, so hopefully she shows up on time at this meet!

Best of luck to your DD. It's sounds like she is off to a great start this year!
Sending lots of good luck your way! Sending lots of fairies your way too!! Good luck and have fun! I hope you all feel better very soon!!!!

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