WAG Share photos of your used wristbands, grips, tiger paws & heel cups!!

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Jan 13, 2019
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Let's see who it the hardest working gymnast by posting photos of your well loved
gymnastics gear such as your grips, wristbands, tiger paws, ankle braces, beam/acro shoes
or tuli's cheetah neoprene heels cups!! haha


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How does this prove whose working hard or hardest
Right? It might prove that we're terrible at replacing things! A few weeks ago DD came home asking me to wash her wristbands. I didn't even know what she was talking about. I guess we bought these wristbands to wear under her grips years ago and the things had never been washed. Disgusting. They looked like something that should definitely be thrown out and replaced but she insisted they were the "OG wristbands" and couldn't be replaced. Even after washing them they were stiff and kind of nasty, but she's back to wearing them. I have no photos to prove this, but you can trust me that they were not pretty. I'm sure we also have some old Cheetah cups kicking around. No idea what she's done with the worn out grips.
Right? It might prove that we're terrible at replacing things! A few weeks ago DD came home asking me to wash her wristbands. I didn't even know what she was talking about. I guess we bought these wristbands to wear under her grips years ago and the things had never been washed. Disgusting. They looked like something that should definitely be thrown out and replaced but she insisted they were the "OG wristbands" and couldn't be replaced. Even after washing them they were stiff and kind of nasty, but she's back to wearing them. I have no photos to prove this, but you can trust me that they were not pretty. I'm sure we also have some old Cheetah cups kicking around. No idea what she's done with the worn out grips.
My kid is borderline OCD about keeping her things clean. That doesn’t mean she isn’t working hard. We have many pairs of wristbands so they are always clean.
How does this prove whose working hard or hardest
Maybe it would have been better to say our worn gear are "badges of honor : a mark or expression of pride" and should be displayed as such haha If your wristbands and grips are pristine I would say they aren't getting a lot of bar time etc. I takes some serious hard work and serious hours of training to destroy a pair of leather tiger paws (:
I just asked DD what she's done with her old grips. "Keep them in the grip bag, of course! You can't just throw them out- they're sacred!"
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I just asked DD what she's done with her old grips. "Keep them in the grip bag, of course! You can't just throw them out- they're sacred!"
Of course they are! haha lots of memories I am sure. You should have her snap a photo of her "sacred" grips and wristbands when she has access to her grip bag and post when you get a chance. Post was supposed to try to be fun with a little "show" and a little "tell" (:
Maybe it would have been better to say our worn gear are "badges of honor : a mark or expression of pride" and should be displayed as such haha If your wristbands and grips are pristine I would say they aren't getting a lot of bar time etc. I takes some serious hard work and serious hours of training to destroy a pair of leather tiger paws :)
On our third pair of tiger paws here.
If we took a picture when she just got a new pair it would mean nothing as to how hard she is working

And equipment that is “destroyed” means it’s unsafe and should have been changed long before the pictures
Dang... I'll have to pull out our gym Christmas wreath early... it has old grips on it!

I have a bag of my old grips somewhere... I'll have to look for it.
I just asked DD what she's done with her old grips. "Keep them in the grip bag, of course! You can't just throw them out- they're sacred!"

That's right!
Maybe it would have been better to say our worn gear are "badges of honor : a mark or expression of pride" and should be displayed as such haha If your wristbands and grips are pristine I would say they aren't getting a lot of bar time etc. I takes some serious hard work and serious hours of training to destroy a pair of leather tiger paws :)
Indeed grips and equipment get worn out, but wristbands should get washed! Would you wipe your sweaty face after a daily run with the same towel day after day for a year or more? Wristbands are machine washable and yellowed crusty wristbands are not a badge of honor or indication of how hard someone works, they are full of sweat, dead skin, and chalk that could lead to skin irritation or infection. My daughter gets plenty of bar time in her nice clean wristbands. I get the idea you were going for with your post, but I think it was poorly worded/presented. I just wouldn't let my kids' equipment reach that level of deterioration before I washed or replaced it. It doesn't mean they are not a hard worker or putting in the time.
Indeed grips and equipment get worn out, but wristbands should get washed! Would you wipe your sweaty face after a daily run with the same towel day after day for a year or more? Wristbands are machine washable and yellowed crusty wristbands are not a badge of honor or indication of how hard someone works, they are full of sweat, dead skin, and chalk that could lead to skin irritation or infection. My daughter gets plenty of bar time in her nice clean wristbands. I get the idea you were going for with your post, but I think it was poorly worded/presented. I just wouldn't let my kids' equipment reach that level of deterioration before I washed or replaced it. It doesn't mean they are not a hard worker or putting in the time.

Agreed. In addition, my son got a blood infection from his wristbands, and they were not that old. Cleaning your wristbands is very important!!
Maybe it would have been better to say our worn gear are "badges of honor : a mark or expression of pride" and should be displayed as such haha If your wristbands and grips are pristine I would say they aren't getting a lot of bar time etc. I takes some serious hard work and serious hours of training to destroy a pair of leather tiger paws :)
But even "badges of honor" might not be the best way to phrase it for a broader audience.

My girls regularly got things replaced even though I am very cost conscious.

Tiger paw strap breaks ... good thing I bought 2 pairs on sale at the time.
I tended to also have the "next size" ready in paws, grips, and braces in case they were ever needed.

My oldest (OG) "tried" grips multiple times. She never liked them. She would try to get used to them during the "off-season" so she had about 4 months to get used to them before the lead up into meet season. She only managed to compete in grips for 2 meets her last year. It was her 4th pair of grips (and 3rd size). Her younger sister (YG) tried palm grips, but never wanted to even try dowel grips and hated to palm grips too. L'il step-sister (LSS) also doesn't like grips and is in 10th grade now ... so I sold all 4 pairs of dowel grips and 3 pairs of gently used palm grips.
We have ankle and knee braces that also get replaced regularly.
They still often CHOSE to wear the old braces (taped because the velcro was long since "almost" dead) for practices. I was able to convince them that they needed to wear the new ones at least the last practice before the meet.
In LSS's gym bag, she has 4 knee braces, 3 ankle braces, 2 pairs of tiger paws, and another wrist support for beam (just in case), and athletic tape. YG's bag had 3 neoprene knee braces, 2 knee braces with side stabilizers, 2 neoprene ankle braces, 3 ankle braces with stabilizers (1 left, 1 right, and 1 universal), 5 tiger paws (2.5 pairs, lol), and pre-wrap + athletic tape.
But even "badges of honor" might not be the best way to phrase it for a broader audience.

My girls regularly got things replaced even though I am very cost conscious.

Tiger paw strap breaks ... good thing I bought 2 pairs on sale at the time.
I tended to also have the "next size" ready in paws, grips, and braces in case they were ever needed.

My oldest (OG) "tried" grips multiple times. She never liked them. She would try to get used to them during the "off-season" so she had about 4 months to get used to them before the lead up into meet season. She only managed to compete in grips for 2 meets her last year. It was her 4th pair of grips (and 3rd size). Her younger sister (YG) tried palm grips, but never wanted to even try dowel grips and hated to palm grips too. L'il step-sister (LSS) also doesn't like grips and is in 10th grade now ... so I sold all 4 pairs of dowel grips and 3 pairs of gently used palm grips.
We have ankle and knee braces that also get replaced regularly.
They still often CHOSE to wear the old braces (taped because the velcro was long since "almost" dead) for practices. I was able to convince them that they needed to wear the new ones at least the last practice before the meet.
In LSS's gym bag, she has 4 knee braces, 3 ankle braces, 2 pairs of tiger paws, and another wrist support for beam (just in case), and athletic tape. YG's bag had 3 neoprene knee braces, 2 knee braces with side stabilizers, 2 neoprene ankle braces, 3 ankle braces with stabilizers (1 left, 1 right, and 1 universal), 5 tiger paws (2.5 pairs, lol), and pre-wrap + athletic tape.
Wow that's a lot of gear! I meant the post to be fun where people could share photos of their used gym gear and have a laugh! The gear is personal, sentimental at times and very visually unique and IMO an expression of the rigors of the sport! So far only one person did with their wonderful grip display! You should post some photos of their braces and tiger paws!
Indeed grips and equipment get worn out, but wristbands should get washed! Would you wipe your sweaty face after a daily run with the same towel day after day for a year or more? Wristbands are machine washable and yellowed crusty wristbands are not a badge of honor or indication of how hard someone works, they are full of sweat, dead skin, and chalk that could lead to skin irritation or infection. My daughter gets plenty of bar time in her nice clean wristbands. I get the idea you were going for with your post, but I think it was poorly worded/presented. I just wouldn't let my kids' equipment reach that level of deterioration before I washed or replaced it. It doesn't mean they are not a hard worker or putting in the time.
Yeah it was meant to be a fun post where people could post/"show" photos of their worn gear and have a laugh. But so far only one person did so far with their wonderful worn grip display. Unfortunately it was not meant to be hygienic discussion for gym mom's or to say gymnasts with clean, pristine equipment are not hardworking gymnasts. Clearly if you are replacing equipment frequently and washing wristbands frequently you are working very hard as a gymnast too. I know for a fact many gymnasts don't wash their wristbands specifically because the the crustiness of the chalk and sweat prevents them from slipping on their grips (in addition to a superstition thing). I am not personally recommending it but It would be great if a gymnast could post an example of them for everyone to see and have a laugh!
Wow that's a lot of gear! I meant the post to be fun where people could share photos of their used gym gear and have a laugh! The gear is personal, sentimental at times and very visually unique and IMO an expression of the rigors of the sport! So far only one person did with their wonderful grip display! You should post some photos of their braces and tiger paws!
Hi. Thanks. I kinda thought that might be what you meant ... but some people take exception to phrasing (my own brother doesn't like how I put things sometimes and would counter your "badges of honor" with "so anyone that doesn't have old nasty stuff isn't any good???").

OG is 21 and retired several years ago. She was at the farm (Stepmom and dad live there) a few weeks ago and was only in the barn because she was looking for a few things that she didn't take with her when she moved out (April 2020).

YG (high school senior, almost 18) retired earlier this month. She had planned to compete this season, but one thing after another went wrong then she found out that she wouldn't have any input into the Senior Leotard because it was decided over the summer and she wasn't even contacted by the senior that planned the get-together. They didn't even tell HC that they had picked it until after they had all ordered them. I was able to contact the mother of the girl and she sent me the link to the leotard they chose. I saw it.
It was VERY MUCH a "her daughter" leotard.
I knew immediately that it wouldn't work for YG. It had a high neck and clasped in the back.
YG can't wear anything close to her throat. Since I was able to see it first and I knew she really did WANT to compete, I was trying to find a way to get a similar leotard design, but with a regular neckline (v-neck or scoop neck). That was a fail too.
Her bag is at the farmhouse, and I will probably never see it again.

I might be able to get a pic of what's in LSS's bag this coming week (if she manages to go to gym), but idk.
Hi. Thanks. I kinda thought that might be what you meant ... but some people take exception to phrasing (my own brother doesn't like how I put things sometimes and would counter your "badges of honor" with "so anyone that doesn't have old nasty stuff isn't any good???").

OG is 21 and retired several years ago. She was at the farm (Stepmom and dad live there) a few weeks ago and was only in the barn because she was looking for a few things that she didn't take with her when she moved out (April 2020).

YG (high school senior, almost 18) retired earlier this month. She had planned to compete this season, but one thing after another went wrong then she found out that she wouldn't have any input into the Senior Leotard because it was decided over the summer and she wasn't even contacted by the senior that planned the get-together. They didn't even tell HC that they had picked it until after they had all ordered them. I was able to contact the mother of the girl and she sent me the link to the leotard they chose. I saw it.
It was VERY MUCH a "her daughter" leotard.
I knew immediately that it wouldn't work for YG. It had a high neck and clasped in the back.
YG can't wear anything close to her throat. Since I was able to see it first and I knew she really did WANT to compete, I was trying to find a way to get a similar leotard design, but with a regular neckline (v-neck or scoop neck). That was a fail too.
Her bag is at the farmhouse, and I will probably never see it again.

I might be able to get a pic of what's in LSS's bag this coming week (if she manages to go to gym), but idk.
ok let me know if you find her old gym bag! If she is retired I would love to buy some of those items to have a authentic gym props, if that is possible! That way I can see them in person! Sounds amazing! Thanks!
ok let me know if you find her old gym bag! If she is retired I would love to buy some of those items to have a authentic gym props, if that is possible! That way I can see them in person! Sounds amazing! Thanks!

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