Parents She ate the beam and some mats for lunch.

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Proud Parent
Jun 19, 2008
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:eek: dd bit it big time on beam today!

I took dd to her preschool class this morning. She was having a blast and playing and just being a kid in the gym. This is why I love that she gets to do preschool class as well as her team training.

During their time on beam, dd did all of the things that the other kids did. Then, while the others were working on small hops across the beam, coach told dd that she could go over to one of the high beams and practice her handstands, L4 dismount, and cartwheels. That was no big deal for her - she loves doing all of those things. She went over to coach when she was done and then went to the shortest of the high beams. Coach brought over a few 8 inch mats, stuck them under the beam and spotted dd on a couple of back walkovers. Then she started doing them herself. Also, not that big a deal for her - she's done them on the low beam before a million times. She did probably 4 or 5 pretty good walkovers. I was impressed, for sure.

And then on the next one.....she missed one of her hands or it slipped or something (right in the middle of the walkover). The fall looked VERY scary. She landed on her shoulder, face, and side and one leg wrapped around the beam and then went rolling off the beam onto the mats and then the floor where she (again) landed on her shoulder and face.


She was fine for about 5 seconds after she hit the floor and then lost it - started yelling "my arm, my arm, my arm, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts"...I was about to burst out crying.

Coach got her some ice and she sat out for a while. When she felt better, she went back out onto the floor with the class. When class was all said and done, coach told dd that she was very brave and that they are proud of her for being such a tough big girl. Then, dd told coach that she wanted to try it again!!! I couldn't believe it. Coach let her go back in and to a few more. Spotted her on a couple and let her try one by herself.

Thankfully, the injury isn't bad. The inside of her arm from her elbow to her armpit is completely covered in beam burn and a huge blue and green bruise. And...a little fat lip. Poor baby. I cannot believe that she asked to do it again. I was sure that she would never touch the beam again. :rolleyes:

Falls are scary. And now I can thoroughly relate to everyone that has seen their child take a spill.

Well, thankfully she is ok. Falls can be very scary--for everyone involved!!!!
Oh the poor little thing, that beam burn is nasty. Hopefully getting back up straight away will help alleviate any fears. Accidents really do happen, glad she seems fine.
Oh my goodness! Poor little thing! I'm really glad that she's okay. I'm sure that was VERY scary for such a little gymmie. I assume she's 5? I think it's wonderful (and quite mature) that she wanted to get back on the beam. Also glad that the coach let her do it. A scary fall like that can really cause a mess in the mind of a child. Her getting back up and trying it again shows confidence in herself and trust in the coaches. I bet she was proud as can be to do it again after all of that. What a brave little girl!
WOW!:eek:And she wanted to try again...that part is the best!
I am glad she is ok and it looks like you have a true gymmie on your hands!:)
Oh my goodness. Poor little thing. I hope she gets better quickly. What a brave girl to try again after getting hurt. She must be pretty fearless.
thanks for your replies, you guys!

...and now today, she's totally back to normal. Her arm's pretty ugly, though, but she claims it doesn't really hurt anymore (which is good!!!) But right now, she's running around, flipping around the house and talking about going to gym tonight. And she can't wait to show the big girls her beam burn and tell them that she's "SO BRAVE!" I think it's funny and pretty cute as well. I'm pretty sure if I had fallen like that, I'd still be crying!...and if I could get away with it, i'd probably milk it for all it was worth!!!:cool:
Ouch! Poor dd. Im glad that her arm is feeling better today! Beam burn hurts and it looks so painful. The only time my dd got it (so far) was when she was doing a back walkover on beam too. I know get so nervous whenever she does one. How brave of your daughter to go right back out there and try again! Sounds like she is a little trooper!
Wow, so impressive that she got right back up to do it again!! That sounds really painful... I think I would be signing off for like.... um, the rest of my life. Ouch! I hope it gets better quickly.
Wow! Kudos to her for not just getting back up there, but for ASKING to do it again. What a trooper! So very proud of her!
And she can't wait to show the big girls her beam burn and tell them that she's "SO BRAVE!" I think it's funny and pretty cute as well. I'm pretty sure if I had fallen like that, I'd still be crying!...and if I could get away with it, i'd probably milk it for all it was worth!!!:cool:

I read your first post, and her getting back on was so impressive after something so scary! I quoted this because in combination with getting back up there it's just totally cute and awesome. Beam burn is sort of a right of passage (it looks like a war wound!) so showing it off as a badge of gymmie honor is endearing and adorable. If she looks at rips on bars the same way she will be an unstoppable physical force that all apparatus will bow down in fear of :D

by the way, I would've milked it too lol

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