Parents She Did It!!

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Proud Parent
Dec 22, 2016
Reaction score
DD had a meet yesterday to score out of level 5. Our gym doesnt compete that level so its 4 or 6 and she was really nervous. They have only practiced the routines for a month and had only moderate uptraining leading up to the end of the competition season in April. She was good on all events but beam and a bad practice Monday had her super concerned. I knew there would be another score out meet in the fall and told her to just treat it like a practice but I could tell she was worried. Well after an eventful day where I was in a car accident (I am ok and thank god the kids werent with me) and we had to leave the meet as soon as she was done with her last event to run to a dance dress rehersal I got the text last night that she hit her score. She is relieved which means I am relieved.

In related news I had a nightmare last night that they gave all the level 6 girls the same routine with the same awful floor music. For some reason it was "cheaper" and the music was composed by George RR Martin (Game of thrones author). I feel like this a dream only other gym moms can relate to.

So heres to uptraining and working level 6 this summer!
That's great news! Sorry about your accident but glad you are ok.
Congrats to her, sorry about the accident and glad you're ok, and here's to that awful nightmare never being a reality!
Way to go! At my daughters gym they were doing the same thing yesterday, so fun for us to watch. Congratulations to her!
DD had a meet yesterday to score out of level 5. Our gym doesnt compete that level so its 4 or 6 and she was really nervous. They have only practiced the routines for a month and had only moderate uptraining leading up to the end of the competition season in April. She was good on all events but beam and a bad practice Monday had her super concerned. I knew there would be another score out meet in the fall and told her to just treat it like a practice but I could tell she was worried. Well after an eventful day where I was in a car accident (I am ok and thank god the kids werent with me) and we had to leave the meet as soon as she was done with her last event to run to a dance dress rehersal I got the text last night that she hit her score. She is relieved which means I am relieved.

In related news I had a nightmare last night that they gave all the level 6 girls the same routine with the same awful floor music. For some reason it was "cheaper" and the music was composed by George RR Martin (Game of thrones author). I feel like this a dream only other gym moms can relate to.

So heres to uptraining and working level 6 this summer!
Congrats to her. I am glad you are ok. Regarding the nightmare, there are some gyms that DO have their Level 6s all use the same music and routines, lol.
Congrats to her. I am glad you are ok. Regarding the nightmare, there are some gyms that DO have their Level 6s all use the same music and routines, lol.
Our gym would be one of those we aren’t happy about it, but on the upside we don’t have to pay choreography fees for level 6.
Congratulations to your daughter! Glad to hear you are OK after the car accident. The nightmare is too funny—I bet you thought you’d be done with floor music nightmares once she got to optionals!

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