WAG Shorts in competition

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Just curious, could leggings possibly help to camouflage some imperfections in the legs, such as slightly bent knees?

I would think it would the opposite. With the legs clearly defined by fabric especially if black, I think any bent leg would be more evident. At a minimum, a bent leg is a bent leg and difficult to camouflage except perhaps by viewing angle. Then again I teach ballet, so I notice the slightest bent leg.

As far as wearing shorts, it may be due to age, but I am old school and prefer just the leos. I know heavy menstrual cycle can be an issue but there is always going to be or people will always find an issue with everything.
The same reason male figure skaters wear pants? Btw male divers and swimmers suits are even MORE revealing than women’s. Everything is not always equal and doesn’t need to be, imo.

Women figure skaters have the option of wearing leggings ( or one piece outfits with pants) now too. It's not popular but it is an option and several skaters wore them in competition at the Olympics. They had sparkles and looked nothing like practice clothing.

Everything is not equal, but shorts don't ruin a line or inhibit performance. I know high cut, long sleeve leos are traditional but traditions can and sometimes should evolve.
My girls went from competition leos to bathing suits as they moved to diving. The suits are even skimpier than the leos! The surprising thing was that neither was concerned about the lack of coverage and they both dress very conservatively outside of the pool. They both learned how to deal with the period issue as there is no way to cover up in a bathing suit. I think the coverage issue bothers the parents more than the kids.
My girls went from competition leos to bathing suits as they moved to diving. The suits are even skimpier than the leos! The surprising thing was that neither was concerned about the lack of coverage and they both dress very conservatively outside of the pool. They both learned how to deal with the period issue as there is no way to cover up in a bathing suit. I think the coverage issue bothers the parents more than the kids.
Not so. My daughter gave up swim team when she got her period. There is no easy just deal with it for her. If it came down to it, she would have to give up gym too. She considered it once over white comp leos. For swimming it was something that had to happen by the nature of the sport, but with gym? It’s reallt just coach preference and ideas about what looks better. Hardly a good enough reason imo. Shorts could be made to match the leos and the girls could have the choice in whether or not to wear them, parents the choice if they want to buy them. No harm, no foul, and if it sullies their lines to the judges preferences.. well it’s their score.
GK has long torso / short torso option. Snowflake Designs will also do custom sizing.
GymDigs allows super custom sizing... for $6 more than the standard sizes... even if the custom sizing includes 3+ extra YARDS of fabric. They will design it to fit the exact Bust / waist / hips / torso ... and if there is something unusual, they can even design to fit specifically (for example: 32DD might need more fabric in front than in back at the chest).
Other brands probably also offer custom sizing - maybe they just dont advertise it.

As for breaking up the lines of the legs... the lines are still there in form fitting bar shorts, especially if they match the leotard.

Haha, serves me right for commenting without researching first. I had no idea there were so many custom leo options available. That's great to see. Looks like it really is down to coaches to allow leos to be customized for all body types, and down to college coaches to give up the ridiculous practice of forcing gymnasts into limited leo sizes.

This whole thread is starting to turn me onto the idea that shorts could be acceptable in competition. I came from a gym that didn't allow team girls to wear shorts, no exceptions. And girls at my DD's gym don't seem to like them although I don't know if there's a hard and fast rule. But reading all these comments, especially about accommodating those with heavy periods, it's making me feel like my ideas about what proper gymnastics attire is are really old fashioned. The girls and women competing should feel comfortable, and if that means competing in shorts, then I'm sure it wouldn't take too long for everyone to get used to, myself included.
Have you guys seen the photos of the Nastia Cup leotards? There are some posted on Facebook. They are awful! Very few of those girls are covered properly. Something really needs to be done so this trend does not continue.
Have you guys seen the photos of the Nastia Cup leotards? There are some posted on Facebook. They are awful! Very few of those girls are covered properly. Something really needs to be done so this trend does not continue.

I just saw them. That can’t be comfortable.
This is a subject I had been wondering about. Is there a functional reason why they have to wear a leotard to do gymnastics? It doesn't seem to hinder them at practice wearing shorts.

For our team, the girls loved leotards when they were little. More color, glitter, rhinestones and sequins, the better. But now that they are teens, they care more about comfort and practical aspects of the leos (can't be too hot, scratchy, or wedges easily). They all wear shorts everyday to practice. When I had asked a few of them, and they say they would rather wear some type of shorts to competition. They do poses like sticking their bums in the air or straddle their legs quite a bit. It can be a little uncomfortable when you are a teen.

I also notice that JO competition leos usually have more coverage but the college leos can be pretty skimpy, some schools more than others. Some gymnasts would wear it with a wedgie to get cheeky (JO older girls too). And it is more noticeable at the live meets than on TV.
Have you guys seen the photos of the Nastia Cup leotards? There are some posted on Facebook. They are awful! Very few of those girls are covered properly. Something really needs to be done so this trend does not continue.

I just saw them. That can’t be comfortable.

I didn’t see anything unusual about them?

Now the Nastia Cup leos from 2015, with the plunging corset illusion over a skin tone base? Those were totally distasteful. I’d be very uncomfortable with my kid (or myself back in the day) wearing that.
To point out the obvious, boys/men compete in shorts or pants, depending on the event. (And often practice topless if allowed, so sort of the opposite of girls in terms of preference and comfort level for practice vs. meets.)

These MAG pants and shorts are not form fitting (or at least are not really supposed to be- fit is often an issue for boys too.) But my point is, judging form or lines/safety/matching concerns do not occur in MAG, so while I realize the specifics of form judging are very different, it would not seem to be a big issue especially if the pants/shorts were form fitting.

That all said, yes men wear pants and shorts over their unitard...but that does not mean all MAG gymnasts are 100% comfortable with their uniforms as far as modesty goes. They are not.

Also, IMO if an allowance for modesty is made for religious reasons, the same allowance should be made for anyone, regardless of religious belief.

My other thought is that, and this is very sad and I would hope I am overthinking it- but I fear that if any major or noticeable shift in what gymnasts wore for competitions or practice happened NOW, it would look like that change was made due to the sex abuse scandal- and that would look like what the victims wore was somehow being blamed- And that would be a very wrong impression.
I didn’t see anything unusual about them?

Now the Nastia Cup leos from 2015, with the plunging corset illusion over a skin tone base? Those were totally distasteful. I’d be very uncomfortable with my kid (or myself back in the day) wearing that.
Those corset ones were really terrible. This year the leg opening was well above most girls hipbones and barely covered their butts. I mean there are very few pictures that even seem appropriate with how much is showing. It looks so uncomfortable too.
Here are a few examples: https://www.facebook.com/USAGymnast...27029627167/10154583112407168/?type=3&theater
Aesthetics will always be a matter of opinion. I think shorts look more sporty and I prefer that. Also, most gyms seem to blatantly flout the rules and most leotards sit above the hip bones. It’s almost obscene sometimes. In my opinion, of course.
Actually, they don't. I see approximately 3000-4000+ gymnasts a year, and it's the exception, not the norm when a leotard is too high on the hip. Either they grew since it was ordered, they ordered the wrong size, or they wear hand-me-downs and have to make do. (It's maybe 1 or 2 per meet at the most that have a questionable cut).
Actually, they don't. I see approximately 3000-4000+ gymnasts a year, and it's the exception, not the norm when a leotard is too high on the hip. Either they grew since it was ordered, they ordered the wrong size, or they wear hand-me-downs and have to make do. (It's maybe 1 or 2 per meet at the most that have a questionable cut).
I’m glad you’ve had a good experience. Of my DDs four artistic leos, three have fit in a way that made her uncomfortable. Two showed her hip bones. I guess we’ve been unlucky.

ETA: she’s never worn a used one, never wore one more than a single season, and we always ordered her size by the measurements. They looked the same on her teammates.
My kid is a prude. We purposely always order the bigger size, because luckily (and not luckily) her growth spurt is in in fall to winter, so this is our "out" so to speak, and the coaches do know she grows, so we get away with it....and thus no hip bone shows, heh heh. ;)
I agree the cut of the college leos are terrible. I have also seen more butt than I think the gymnasts or the spectators were comfortable with at JO meets.

I have been at a meet with a large crowd and seen a JO8 compete floor with a very visible tampon string hanging out of her leo. I felt absolutely awful for her and that was the first time I wondered why they couldn’t wear tight shorts to compete. I love the idea of “blinged out” matching comp shorts.

We switched gyms in the past year and thankfully our new gyms leos are made by a company with a slogan “best bums in the business”, and are super low cut on the hips and almost impossible to get a wedgie with. Huge difference from last year where she spent half her routines trying not to pull the bottom of her Leo down.
I agree the cut of the college leos are terrible. I have also seen more butt than I think the gymnasts or the spectators were comfortable with at JO meets.

I have been at a meet with a large crowd and seen a JO8 compete floor with a very visible tampon string hanging out of her leo. I felt absolutely awful for her and that was the first time I wondered why they couldn’t wear tight shorts to compete. I love the idea of “blinged out” matching comp shorts.

We switched gyms in the past year and thankfully our new gyms leos are made by a company with a slogan “best bums in the business”, and are super low cut on the hips and almost impossible to get a wedgie with. Huge difference from last year where she spent half her routines trying not to pull the bottom of her Leo down.

which company is this. Brilliant slogan
I realize I’m in the minority here, but I personally don’t care for leos that look like granny panties at the bottom. I think a slightly higher cut hip (not anything outrageous) elongates the legs. Gymnastics leotards have never seemed scandalous to me, and I think all the pearl clutching is going too far. Also please keep in mind predators will prey on people regardless of what they wear. Remember Nassar also molested a softball player.

Growing up my parents didn’t let me wear two-piece swimsuits and I thought it was stupid. If a pedophile is on the beach, they will probably look regardless.

Ideally gymnasts should get a choice of which cut to wear. No one should be shamed for wearing either option.

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