The coaches won't think anything of you asking, especially if DD is wanting to know. The answer may be no, but at least you will know. From my observation, the 8 and under Level 4 is a small age group, 9 and 10 are the biggest age groups and the numbers go down again at age 11, but there are still plenty of them. Some gyms want 7 and 8 year old 4s that they can push to the higher levels quickly, some want a fun gymnastics experience for anyone who can do the skills reasonably, and some want a combo of both. In my experience, the best gyms are the ones who want a combo of both. You should find out which your gym is, and then decide if they are the only want 7/8 Level 4s type gym. If your daughter truly wants JO, then it is not the gym for her. If age is not the end all and be all, then you can stay and see what develops. She may find out she loves XCEL and wants to stay there. The main problem is typically the XCEL kids get less hours in the gym which makes progression more difficult. In some regions, some use XCEL to replace the compulsory program, but I am assuming your gym doesn't work that way since you said she wasn't picked for JO.