Parents Sibling rivalry update

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Proud Parent
It's been about 2 months since that meet when Kelsey had the meltdown after Little Monkey did really well and the entire gym (meet director included) made a huge fuss over her and her scores. Well, at USAIGC States, I did not require Kelsey to sit thru LM's session. I let her run off with some of the older girls instead. So she had no idea how well LM did at that meet (and thank goodness she wasn't there!). Yesterday, she saw the scoresheet sitting on my desk and after looking at it, she said "wow, Tess had a really good meet". I was LMAO because even though she saw the scores, she still has no idea of the placements. But I was happy to hear her compliment her sister on the scores :D
I think honestly she really does feel like her sister is doing well and she is proud of her. Being together in the same meet or same competition in front of parents & teamates was just maybe too 'in your face" for her at that momment. Still, as a mom, it was proabaly nice to hear & know how she really felt.
Nice job mom! I bet it was hard not to "brag up' Little Monkey after all her amazing sucess! It is nice when they come around on their own....
I think honestly she really does feel like her sister is doing well and she is proud of her. Being together in the same meet or same competition in front of parents & teamates was just maybe too 'in your face" for her at that momment. Still, as a mom, it was proabaly nice to hear & know how she really felt.

I totally agree--it's much easier to compliment later and not when it's being shoved in your face (and all you can hear is that she's better than you--even if that's not what's being said!). Glad she's doing better with it!
good for your dd I think its hard when one does good and its inthere face

I know I am trying to find that balance with my girls when one gets something and the other does not.
I love that you call your daughter Little Monkey. I have called mine that since she was 2 yrs old and was climbing all over everything.
I love that you call your daughter Little Monkey. I have called mine that since she was 2 yrs old and was climbing all over everything.

LOL, me too!!! People would ask at the playground "why do you call her Monkey?" I would reply "give her a minute !!"
I love that you call your daughter Little Monkey. I have called mine that since she was 2 yrs old and was climbing all over everything.


Here's the origin of my Little Monkey. She was a 29 week preemie and was born looking like a hairy little monkey :D As she got older, thank goodness she outgrew the look, but everytime you picked her up, she would wrap her arms and legs around you like a little monkey. If she wanted a piggy back, we'd say "monkey on" and she would jump on and hang on for dear life (still does this since she's only 50 lbs its not difficult to carry her around). Once we fell into gymnastics, the Monkey name just stuck.
I think that you are doing everything you can to help your oldest deal with having a younger sister catching up to her in levels. She seems to be handling it as best as she can, too. Keep doing that and there isn't much else you can do.

Mine is such a monkey, too. We went to the park yesterday with a gymmie from her old gym. This gymmie is very talented, does BHSs on beam, etc, but her mom was freaked out watching my DD shimmy up a super high pole. LOL. She kept saying, "She is just like a monkey!" And I said, yep, I always call her my monkey girl. :D

Here's the origin of my Little Monkey. She was a 29 week preemie and was born looking like a hairy little monkey :D As she got older, thank goodness she outgrew the look, but everytime you picked her up, she would wrap her arms and legs around you like a little monkey. If she wanted a piggy back, we'd say "monkey on" and she would jump on and hang on for dear life (still does this since she's only 50 lbs its not difficult to carry her around). Once we fell into gymnastics, the Monkey name just stuck.

My Little Monkey (otherwise known as Kassidy) was also a preemie (35 weeks) and is a litle peanut too. She will be 10 the end of August and is 4 feet tall and weighs 55 pounds. I honestly do not know what I would do if we didn't have gymnastics. She has so much energy!!:)

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