WAG Skill blank back handspring

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May 26, 2014
Reaction score
Has anyone got any psychological advice for me on my back handspring?

When I was younger, for whatever reason, the club I trained with didn't value shaping and skill preps/drills for this skill and taught it through just continuous repetition of the skill with support until you got it. Needles to say I fast developed a fear of going backwards as I landed on my head a fair few times (this was quite some years back and I never did get it).

I am now slowly trying to relearn the skill with a lot of preps and breakdowns. I've gotten to the point where on a good day I can achieve it on a fast track, air track or crash mat, and from round off with a slight spot and pause on floor. However that said I keep facing this strange issue where I twist and almost do a sort of Arabian (obviously I don't land it). I'm sure it stems from a psychosocial issue where I unintentionally look over my left shoulder.

It has happened three times now and each time I have to back track to the most simple preps and build up again. It happened on Friday and I asked the coach to step in and spot me on the air track but I just couldn't go for it, it sounds weird but I felt like I didn't even know how to do one, my mind just blanked.

What can I do to sort this problem out once and for all? It's getting frustrating being so close to doing one and then back tracking constantly!
I can't help, but just to say my DD has done all the correct prep work and yet tries to look over her left shoulder when she does it too, it seems to be a going backwards fear for her as she is happy to attempt anything going forward even though I believe these are generally classed as more difficult.
Hopefully one of the coaches on here will give some insight.
I'd guess that you place a lot of emphasis on getting upside down, and that prevents you from doing the things that make upside down happen. The jump back motion and opening your hips and shoulders as a follow through of the jump are the two best contributors to getting upside down..... without trying!!!

So the harder you try (to go upside down).... the worser it gets, and that convinces you that you have to try harder to get upside down. Repeat as often as you want, but it will only get better when you believe the floor will be there and you trust the idea of jumping back away from the direction you're facing instead of trying to jump to the floor while going upside down.

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