Our old gym did not uptrain at all. You did not start training new schools until after state. They also liked to keep girls back so that they could keep winning. For example, my daughter had a 38 AA at Level 4 state last season and they said they were on the fence about her moving up. We moved to a different state (coincidence) and had to switch gyms. When she got to her new gym at the very end of May, she did not have a double back hand spring, cartwheel on beam, kip, front hand spring off of the vault table, front hand spring on floor, back extension roll, etc. She knew that she needed all of those skills to be able to compete new Level 4 and it was a little daunting because everyone else had them because they had uptrained all year. But she rose to the challenge and she was able to get ALL of her new skills within a month or two. Actually, she is now well beyond that and has her BWO on beam (and is starting to work on BHS on beam), back tuck on floor, drop kip (or whatever that's called), aerial, etc. She is starting to work on cast handstands, giants w/ the strap bar, and some other new things, too. Her new gym has a very different approach and it's working really well for my daughter. So you may just need to switch to a less conservative gym, or convince the coach to let her move up. Some coaches want girls who will win, and some coaches want girls who don't just have the skills, but have them perfected. I am not sure when your gym starts competing. It may be tough for her to learn all of the skills and choreography for new Level 4 (it's a fast floor routine and a lot more technical than Level 2 for sure) in time, but she could always skip the first few meets.