Anon Skipping xcel platinum?

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Anonymous (508b)

Hi, I am a 2nd year xcel gold gymnast, and one of my main goals would be to do xcel diamond at least one year before i graduate (I am a freshman in HS). I first want to know if it is even possible to skip xcel platinum without having to compete a meet as a platinum and just go straight to diamond from gold, or if it would be better to compete at least a year as a platinum.

Here are some of my skills and routines I am planning to work on over the summer for platinum/diamond

Current routine: Half on
Working: Half halfs, half fulls, and tsuk timers in the pit
(im not super worried if I cant flip since only one girl in diamond flips one of her vaults)
Goal routine for next season: half on full off

Current routine: Kip, cast (horizontal to 45 from vertical), back hip, squat on, kip, cast (horizontal to 45 from vertical) back hip, underswing, tap swing, half turn dismount
Working: cast handstand (can only do with a spot), free hips (i have been thinking of using it in my bars routine for the rest of this season), flyaway (spotted, thinking of putting it in at the end of this season)
Goal routine for next season: Kip, cast, free hip, kip, squat on, kip, cast, free hip, tap swing, flyaway

Current routine: mount, bridge kickover to cartwheel, full turn, split jump, straight jump, front tuck dismount
Working: back walkovers (spotted), dive cartwheels (low beam), 1.5 turns, 3/4 turn straight jumps (med beam)
Goal routine for next season: mount, back walkover to dive cartwheel, 1.5 turn, split jump to 3/4 straight jump, front tuck dismount

Current routine: full turn, front tuck, switch leap, tuck jump, rbh bh
Working: back tucks (have done a few by myself recently, they are terrible), front pikes (thinking of using it in my routines the rest of the season), front layouts (air track), front full (into the pit from floor), front fronts (never thrown one yet), 1.5 or double turns (doubles are more consistent)
Goal routine for next season: double turn, front tuck, front pike, switch leap, tuck jump, rbh tuck

Level selections are usually chosen the middle of September

I would be very greatful if you can help me out

Thank you
You need to score at least a 32AA at platinum to go to diamond so you'd have to do at least one meet. Or your coach would have to petition for you to move directly to diamond as long as your 14 or a freshman in high school.
I would talk with your coach about your options. If you did platinum as a sophomore, you would still have 2 years to potentially do diamond.
To add to the above reply, I'm not super sure of the requirements for diamond but this is mostly what my platinums at my gym compete (1 pass less for floor, and just one flight skill for beam, bars is the same as your goal, and vault is half on or half on half off). So if you did a year of platinum, I think it would benefit your skills to get them to be very consistent. I'm only a gymnast, so take my words with a grain of salt but that's what I think.
You need to score at least a 32AA at platinum to go to diamond so you'd have to do at least one meet.
Yeah, now that I know I would have to do a meet of diamond before platinum makes my chances to do diamond next year 0%. My coach wont let anyone compete 1 meet and then switch levels during the season.
Based on your skills, I’d strongly recommend platinum. My daughter is a diamond now. As a platinum, she competed:
- vault: front handspring full
- bars: KCHS, free hip, kip, squat on, KCHS, layout flyaway
- floor: ROBHSFull, front front
- beam: cartwheel-cartwheel series, BHS

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