sleepover games?

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Nov 9, 2010
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ok, so our gym is having a sleepover that is at the gym for our team girls. we have games that we play for prizes and the girls love this because most of the mare really competitive^^ so i was wondering is there are any conditioning games or drills that they can do as games? i figured they can work out and still have fun at a sleepover^^ but they cant be really noticeable as actual gymnastics work or else they wont like it to well... i just want them to have fun and get stronger at the same time^^
Pirates tag. (you may know it as another game): but its when you get a bunch of mats out on the floor. It just like tag, where you have a person or two (depending on how big the group is) that is trying to tag all the other people. the catch is they have to hop from one mat to the other without touching the ground. if they get tagged our hit the ground they are out. You then can make them do 5 push ups or whatever you choose. Also if the people that are it touch the ground you can make them do 8 pushups, spin around on their head 3 times. ect. it is a fun game and people get really into it. just make sure that they choose mats that are safe to jump onto that wont slide, ect. you can also use springboards, floor beam, and any other things you find around the gym.

Another game that I played a gymnastics camp doesn't have conditioning directly in it, but it makes you pretty tired. I think the game is called sea or shore?? So you have everybody in the middle of the floor. you make one side the ship and the other the shore. when you yell ship they go to that side shore to the other. they also have other things you do like "climb the crows nest" where you have to prtend you are climbing a ladder, "scrub the deck" get down on your knees and prtend your scrubbing the deck, mates in a dingy where they have to get with 2 other people(only 2 or they are out) and pretend they are rowing a boat, "beached whale" where they have to lay on their stomach and garb their feet and pull up, so it looks like they are a beached whale. if they are the last one to preform the actions or get to the other side they are out. that is when you can make them do conditioning until the gam eis over if you want. there is one more thing. the person that is yelling out the actions is the captain. At any point in the game they can yell captain on deck and they have to stop whatever they are doing a saluet(you know like in the military). then they are not allowed to move until the captain says "at ease"(so like simon says you yell out other actions and if they do them beofre you say at "ease then they are out). When you are getting sown to the end of the game you can yell like ship, shore, scrub the dack, climb the crows nest. and they have to do the last thing that is called. if they are the last person they are out. so it makes you really tired.

ANother one is Fire Water, i think it is called: where you run around the floor and they wait for you to call out either fire, water, landslide,flood,lightning, and hurricane. if you call fire they have to run and go something that is blue(other than the floor), water they have to go touch something that is red, landslide they go jump in the pit, flood they have to get/ hang on something that is above their waist(so they are not touching the ground) lightning they go touch something metal.(ex.the bar poles, beam poles, ect.) and then hurricane they have to go hide under a mat. You count down from 5 after you call out the action and whoever isnt doing the action by the time you get to 0 is out. when you get to the end its just whoever is last. just like the other game you can call out fire, water, lightning and they have to do the last action, if they dont do it they are out. again you can make the people that get out condition.

You can also do contest like stick the most standing tucks, hold the handstand the longest, most pull/ chin ups, fastest rope climb. ect.

Another one i did.(WOW this list is getting long!) was you split them up into even groups and have a hat full of conditioning. each group pulls a piece of paper that say like 15 pushups, 1 rope climb, 45 sec handstand hold, ect. and they have to preform it as fast as they can. when they finish that they come back and get another paper with another conditioning. After they whole group finishes all 5 things of conditioning, they wait for everyone else to finish. the goal is to be the fasted group done. they cannot go onto another conditioning until everyone in their group finishes the conditioning. If they cant do a standing back tuck they can alter it to like a bhs or back tuck on tumble trak.

their is always classic stick it, that doesnt invovle conditioning, pit races, obstacle course with conditioning in it, romeo and juliet(thats what my gym calls. it. when you have a big person and a little person and they do things together like london bridge when one does a bridge while the other goes under it. i can explain if you dont know)

SO SORRY that this post is soooooo long!! :) I hope that you understand everything I tried to helps. I hope that these games give you some ideas :D
thanks for your suggestions^^
we've played the first one before but we didnt call it pirates and we have played a version of the second one that was very similar
that looks like a really cool game!!!
i have a feeling the girls will love this because its give them some freedom to do whatever they want in the game. i will definitley have to try this
Beam races are really fun! you divide up into teams based on the # of beams you have and then you do relay races with different things. Like walk with your eyes closed forward down, touch the end, then open your eyes and do backward punching back, or make a forward roll, do duck walks to the end, and then climb under the beam and do koala's back. you can also do first team to stick 10 front tucks and 10 back tucks off. The 1st place team has no conditioning, the 2nd place team has 5 beam power jumps or beam pushups, the 3rd has 10, etc. you can decide if someone falls whether the whole team starts over or just that person.
Pit races! Set the girls up in two lines so they're each competing against the girl next to them. Basically they jump into the pit (hopefully it's large enough for this game to work out) and "swim" through it as fast as they can until they reach the wall. Doesn't sound like conditioning but it's actually a great workout and a lot of fun. If you want you can start them a ways back and have the pit part be the very end of the race (so you could have them straight jump or punch front over a bunch of panel mats, climb over all the beams, etc.)
races are always good^^
thanks to everyone who gave suggestions. the sleepover is tonight and i will try these out
they sound like so much fun!!

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