I don't know where to put this so i'll start here.... I am reading the accounts of racism on NCAA teams by teammates and coaches and , maybe I'm naive, but I am shocked , that in 2020, people actually talk and behave like this....from Kennedy Baker and Kytra Hunter on Florida to Ashley Lambert on Nebraska and Tia Kiaku on Alabama recounting how their teammates and some coaches"called them the N word repeatedly" , "back of the bus "comments by more than one coach ; SEMO assistant coach Chris Licamelli's account of his 3 years with that team and numerous accounts of blatant racism that he tried to lobby against only to be told "don't be so sensitive, it must be because you're a Yankee", and the teammates reverted to using the N word again because "(head) Coach says it" .... stunned doesn't begin to cover how I felt reading that...
I'm 60 years old and I can tell you that I've never uttered the N word nor have I have thought to or thought it was ever appropriate in all my years alive so how are gymnasts and coaches who are way younger than me thinking this is ok? I am so sad for these gymnasts who have had to put up with this type of treatment for their time on their college team (and in life , but you'd think NCAA coaches would know better) . I knew NCAA coaches can make it awful and horrible for many reasons but I didn't think hurling racial slurs on a regular basis was one of them ....
If gymnasts of the calibre of Baker and Hunter have been treated like this , I'm sure it happened to many others that just aren't speaking out...and I get that people can have different experiences at the same school but I'm sorry, excusing systemic racism should never be even entertained ....