Meets, oh goody. Welcome to the wacky (6:00 A.A. run to the convenience store muttering under your breath "hair sparkles"), wierd (Why is that team facing the wall and meditating?), confusing (Why did she fall? She was doing it perfectly yesterday!), but still really fun world of compe9titive gymnastics.
They will have age groups at meets, however, they can sometimes be VERY different in size, so one group may have 6 kids while another may have 37. Your daughter may get stuck in the most competitve age group, which may be harder, but it is also the more "realistic placement" age group. (I've been at meets where, in the smallest age groups. gymnasts placed third or fourth with 5.5's and such.)
Other than that, be prepared to wake up early, sit in seats that are not overly comfortable, and listen to the same music over, and over, and over, and over, and yet, see your daughter compete for less than 3 minutes and see why it's all worth it.
Oh, and yes, expect to get stuck behind that ONE team of parents that stands up for the whole meat and screams throughout the entire meet as if they were on some sort of endless rollercoaster.

Just kidding.Sort of.