- Sep 17, 2012
- 3,479
- 3,389
I appreciate what you are saying but the coaches need to be able to show they can produce the skills for the level of qualification they are applying for. Showing that they can deal with issues or fear is great but not relevant to showing if they can produce the move being assessed. It would come under a different part of the coaching award. Which I am sure they would have passed with flying colours. It is difficult if you only have one gymnast that can do that move. If they are ill on the day you can't really do it. Definitely should not blame the child. The coach should not have taken a child who was not able to do the skill. They should have cancelled the assessment and waiting for a more appropriate time. Coaches fault.
Now is the system perfect. No. Do coaches borrow other peoples gymnasts to pass exams when they have never coached that child or skill. Yes. Does that happen a lot. Yes all the time. But they do look at how you build up to a skill safely , how you support it etc etc. Not just the finished skill. Perhaps there should be more emphasis on that.
And if you trawl through facebook and instagram you will see countless videos of coaches and gymnasts doing skills they are not qualified for.
If you go to competitions you will see coaches taking gymnasts round doing skills and levels they are not qualified for.
When you enter a competition you have to put down a suitably qualified coach for each gymnast. But no one seems to check that coach is actually taking round that gymnast. Maybe the coaches should sign in at registration alongside the gymnasts.
I would like to see a BG list of coaches available on line with their qualification level.
Alongside this I would like a spreadsheet with the moves you are qualified to coach at each level.
And a better supported mentoring system that enables coaches from smaller clubs to develop coaching expertise at higher level clubs.
Now is the system perfect. No. Do coaches borrow other peoples gymnasts to pass exams when they have never coached that child or skill. Yes. Does that happen a lot. Yes all the time. But they do look at how you build up to a skill safely , how you support it etc etc. Not just the finished skill. Perhaps there should be more emphasis on that.
And if you trawl through facebook and instagram you will see countless videos of coaches and gymnasts doing skills they are not qualified for.
If you go to competitions you will see coaches taking gymnasts round doing skills and levels they are not qualified for.
When you enter a competition you have to put down a suitably qualified coach for each gymnast. But no one seems to check that coach is actually taking round that gymnast. Maybe the coaches should sign in at registration alongside the gymnasts.
I would like to see a BG list of coaches available on line with their qualification level.
Alongside this I would like a spreadsheet with the moves you are qualified to coach at each level.
And a better supported mentoring system that enables coaches from smaller clubs to develop coaching expertise at higher level clubs.