Parents Son's practice vs. daughter's practice

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Proud Parent
Oct 9, 2015
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My son (9) just got home from his four hour practice.

Me: How was practice?
DS: It was good. We had fun.
Me: What did you do?
DS: Stuff. My coach got married today (I had no idea this was happening) so we had Lou coach us.
Me: Who is Lou?
DS: Oh, he coaches us sometimes. Lou is nice. (never once heard of Lou before). And we did vault.
Me: What did you do on vault?
DS: Stuff. What's for dinner?

DD (11) has practice:

Me: What did you do?
DD: Detailed rundown on every apparatus and skill they worked on, including who coached each event, any new skills or drills, some personal info gleaned on different coaches and teammates, excitement about what they will do during the next practice, concerns about a skill she is hoping to get, and how she thinks she'll improve or what she'll work on in the coming weeks.
My son (9) just got home from his four hour practice.

Me: How was practice?
DS: It was good. We had fun.
Me: What did you do?
DS: Stuff. My coach got married today (I had no idea this was happening) so we had Lou coach us.
Me: Who is Lou?
DS: Oh, he coaches us sometimes. Lou is nice. (never once heard of Lou before). And we did vault.
Me: What did you do on vault?
DS: Stuff. What's for dinner?

DD (11) has practice:

Me: What did you do?
DD: Detailed rundown on every apparatus and skill they worked on, including who coached each event, any new skills or drills, some personal info gleaned on different coaches and teammates, excitement about what they will do during the next practice, concerns about a skill she is hoping to get, and how she thinks she'll improve or what she'll work on in the coming weeks.

ROFL! So true! now that I do not drive my son to his practice every day (1 hour each way), I have no idea on what is going on :) It is nice in a lot of ways. Sometimes the answer to "What did you do?" Is "Gymnastics, what's for dinner?"
ROFL! So true! now that I do not drive my son to his practice every day (1 hour each way), I have no idea on what is going on :) It is nice in a lot of ways. Sometimes the answer to "What did you do?" Is "Gymnastics, what's for dinner?"

I find it so funny because I have no idea what he does at practice, but he seems happy!
Also sounds like one of my brothers and I ... whether it was football (older bro and I were on the same team), baseball (older bro on one team, me and little bro on another in a different league), or track (little bro was on the team 4 years after I was, but still the same thing).

I think it is funny what is deemed important and what "is just inconsequential."
dd used to give me a very detailed run down in the car after practice every night - down to how many of each drill/skill she did. I thought this would stop once she started driving her self. Nope- first thing she does when she gets home from practice is grab a snack and then go through the run down! She is going to college next year and commented the other day that she is going to have to facetime me on the walk back to her dorm each night to go through practice! made me smile! For the record, I do not ask anything more than "how was gym?" It is all her. I do think I started it at one point when she was very little and answered the question with "not much" and I sort of went off on her saying I pay way too much money for her to do "not much" at the gym. From then on, she gave me the rundown. I have told her I don't need all the details but she says it helps her to process the evening and let go of any "bad" things and celebrate the good ones
At least he told you that his coach got married! Glad that he is happy and enjoying gymnastics.
My son (9) just got home from his four hour practice.

Me: How was practice?
DS: It was good. We had fun.
Me: What did you do?
DS: Stuff. My coach got married today (I had no idea this was happening) so we had Lou coach us.
Me: Who is Lou?
DS: Oh, he coaches us sometimes. Lou is nice. (never once heard of Lou before). And we did vault.
Me: What did you do on vault?
DS: Stuff. What's for dinner?

DD (11) has practice:

Me: What did you do?
DD: Detailed rundown on every apparatus and skill they worked on, including who coached each event, any new skills or drills, some personal info gleaned on different coaches and teammates, excitement about what they will do during the next practice, concerns about a skill she is hoping to get, and how she thinks she'll improve or what she'll work on in the coming weeks.

LOL! Story of my life!
Yep it’s not just boys.

I used to say I have to have a daughter I’d have no idea what to do with a boy. Then I had this daughter.

Me: how was Gym
Her: good
Me: what did you do
Her: stuff

If I want details I ask her friends.:D

Haha, so true! My DD doesn't tell me anything. Occasionally I hear things from other parents:

CGM: Congrats, I hear your DD got her [skill she's been working on for the past year]
Me: She did??
A few hours later...
Me: I heard you got your [skill], is that true?
DD: Oh, yeah
Me: ???
DD: Did you bring any snacks?
Me: how was Gym
Her: good
Me: what did you do
Her: stuff

I have learned not to ask. 50% of the time, the conversation goes exactly as you describe, right down to "stuff." The other 50% of the time, it goes something like this:

Mommy: How was gym?
Gymmie: I hate vault and I am the worst one on my team and the vault table is so big and I am going to crash and die and everyone else is better than me and WAAAHHH.....
Mommy: Why are you covered in stamps?
Gymmie: Oh, I earned them by doing [list of great things on all events but vault].
Mommy: So 75% of practice was good?
Gymmie: NOOOOOO! I hate vault and I am the worst one on my team....
Mommy: [SIGH]
Here is how it goes for us (DD is 14)

Night after practice when she gets home:
Me: How was school today? How was practice?
DD: ehhh. My back hurts and my knee hurts. I don't like our vault runway, its too hard. I have tons of homework so can I take dinner up in my room so I can do my homework?
Me: Ok
We don't talk again until we go to sleep.

Next morning when I drive her to school:
Me: How is your back and knee today?
DD: Fine, why?
Me: you said they were sore.
DD: They are fine.
Me: So were you able to vault yesterday?
DD: Yeah, of course.
Me: Okay, so things are good?
DD: Yes.
Me: Okay cool.
Mine both go through on and off periods when they want to talk about gym. At this point, as teenagers, they are more likely to chatter when things are going really well, or when something hurts badly enough that medical attention is needed, than if something's not going well in that routine way that gym tends not to go well sometimes.

My son's coach, on the other hand, would give me a run down on the progress of every guy on the team when he's in the mood to talk. As a general rule, I get way more (unsolicited) info from him about DS than I do directly from my beloved child. From the boys' assistant coach, I get nice stories about my DS as a teammate and revelations about the latest way in which my DD has roasted him. (She teases him unmercifully.)

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