Parents Sportsmanship at Meets!

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I don't think writing down other gymnasts scores or videotaping them (unless their parents dissaprove) is an issue as long as they are from your club. Most of these parants spend an incredible amount of time in the gym and get to know each and every gymnast personally and are interested in following the progress of the other girls aswell as their own. Our parents generally video all the kids at comps not just their own if they bring a camera the reason being that some of the parents of our other kids may not have been able to attend the meet or may not have a camera so it is available for copying. The parents have all agreed and the ones without camera's really appreciate it.

We have video taped all of dd team before at a meet (making copies for all the girls parents), but never the other girls and NEVER to show a parent why their kids score should have been lower!!!!! again on that one YIKES !!!
Can we therapy and medication for that dad??? That is just plain over the top scary behavior.
The parents you mention that videotape other than their own kids and compare scores probaply think they can judge just as good as certified judge!I wonder if they realize that the judges sit at a certain ankle to the apparatus and they may videotape from a totally different ankle?

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