WAG Steve Penny arrested

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I fear that is exactly what it needs. They seem to be totally clueless about what is really going on in the real world. They need to get smart, choose staff with no ties to the Nassar years and start over. They also need to learn how to vet potential hires, their track record is almost laughable. Meanwhile a team of 6 talented women is trying to compete at worlds. USAG needs to get itself together or admit failure and let wiser folk step in.
A team of talented men too
That's not to say no one wants to care...just that it's not out there and within USAG I feel like it's just an eh whatever attitude towards the loss of men's gymnastics on a greater scale.
@vagymmomma I do not beleive there will ever be change, the board that is now yielding power to make decisions does not seem to have the ability to get out of their own way. I am only speculating but the board seems to want USAG the brand to be a money-making company. That is not the purpose of a governing body. The profit, in gymnastics, should be made at the ground level, club owners, not at the governing body level. USAG's sole purpose should be to obtain sponsorships and raise funds so those funds can be used to support all the athletes that give their heart and soul to gymnastics, all athletes not just the elite ones. In the end, the officers and experts that work for USAG should make comfortable salaries but no employee should be getting rich. The majority of the funds should be returned, yearly, to the athletes and clubs that are actually doing all the hard lifting. Representing the U.S.A. in competitions and winning should not be the priority. Making many many great healthy will results in win after win, nothing extraordinary needs to be done if you are doing the right things your results will be exactly what you want them to be.
I don't conceptually disagree with your comments, but you support my point that the house has not been cleaned. I am saying if you clean the house, you shouldn't need to build a brand new house. Aren't there some things that USAG has that works? They are far from perfect, but the organization seems to have some good tools and resources (especially when you take elite out of the equation).
I don't conceptually disagree with your comments, but you support my point that the house has not been cleaned. I am saying if you clean the house, you shouldn't need to build a brand new house. Aren't there some things that USAG has that works? They are far from perfect, but the organization seems to have some good tools and resources (especially when you take elite out of the equation).
But that's the exact issue. They've had multiple years to clean house and they haven't. All of the house cleaning they have done has been reactionary and way too late. They didn't even close the ranch until Simone tweeted about it. Every move they've made has been an attempt to salvage their image, not a good faith effort to actually help keep athletes safe. It's ridiculous. I agree rebuilding would have been great, but how long do they get the benefit of the doubt until we all accept that they're not going to start fresh until someone steps in and forces them to? I really do hope it can be done with as little impact to current athletes as possible, but it's hard to see a way around it at this point.
@vagymmomma I do not disagree with you, I just feel they have tried and failed too many times. I have read things about USAG coming into being, assuming power, and I am not even sure the training procedures being utilized are their own creation. If they clean house and start over that would mean firing everyone and then rehiring the good and excluding the bad? New organization or a rebirth of the old Either way, it would be a new organization. I do not beleive this will happen because people in power are slow to give up that power sometimes it needs to be taken from them. Gym owners and parents should demand change or take the power.

Essential changes:
# 1 Do whatever it takes to earn the trust of the gymnastics community
# 2 Do whatever it takes to keep the trust of the gymnastics community

Without earning our trust, any other change is just re-painting deck chairs on the Titanic.
It will be very hard for any USAG CEO to look good publicly until all the lawsuits are settled. Their job is to protect the brand and any quotes or actions that show culpability on behalf of the USAG will be a liability
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This is exactly what I am thinking. He will not go down alone, he will save himself by tossing anyone he can under the bus.
simply put, he was not alone. no one came directly to him, they all came forward though multiple channels. The whole system is about to collapse.
simply put, he was not alone. no one came directly to him, they all came forward though multiple channels. The whole system is about to collapse.

Sorry if this seems ignorant, but what does that mean for the sport? This has all been so confusing for a new parent. If USAG collapses, then what?
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Sorry if this seems ignorant, but what does that mean for the sport? This has all been so confusing for a new parent. If USAG collapses, then what?

Nothing for a new parents really. Gymnastics at the local level will continue with little effect. Regionally, nationally and at the elite level, it will mean more issues, but there are people organising behind the scenes who would make something happen. Of course this is not ideal, but USAG have literally created a dumpster fire (with documents that should have been part of an ongoing criminal investigation) and do not seem to have any clue how to manage this and move on with the consideration of the gymnasts at the forefront. It just seems like a constant stream of stupidity and butt covering.
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@FlippinPrincess @bogwoppit gave you a great answer. I speculate that if USAG were to collapse this year it is possible regions and Nationals would still proceed as the host gyms surely have already begun preparations for these events. Should my DD qualify I would still allow her to attend if the events were held. The host gyms would have more profit because USAG fees could be added to the profit of each and every meet.
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Nothing for a new parents really. Gymnastics at the local level will continue with little effect. Regionally, nationally and at the elite level, it will mean more issues, but there are people organising behind the scenes who would make something happen. Of course this is not ideal, but USAG have literally created a dumpster fire (with documents that should have been part of an ongoing criminal investigation) and do not seem to have any clue how to manage this and move on with the consideration of the gymnasts at the forefront. It just seems like a constant stream of stupidity and butt covering.
lol. This
@FlippinPrincess @bogwoppit gave you a great answer. I speculate that if USAG were to collapse this year it is possible regions and Nationals would still proceed as the host gyms surely have already begun preparations for these events. Should my DD qualify I would still allow her to attend if the events were held. The host gyms would have more profit because USAG fees could be added to the profit of each and every meet.
Yes the reason why people don’t bid on nationals is because USAG sets the price and their cut of the profit. And it’s totally rigged
Ok, but what about any sort of governing board from gyms at the local level who are violating by laws and/or Safe Sport violations? If USAG membership is "suspended" or their is an investigation, wouldn't it then be pretty meaningless?
Many, many years ago wasn't AAU the main organization and then USAG came in and they took over? I swear that I heard this when my kids first started this sport.

Honestly, if I were a gym competing below L4, I think that I'd be looking at doing AAU for those lower levels instead of USAG right now. I'd be trying to keep every membership dime that I could away from USAG.

I don't know a ton about these organizations, but I do think about what I at least SEE from NAIGC. I get it that that organization isn't nearly the size and scope of USAG, but they seem to be finding a way to GROW and to build all of the athletes up. It seems like USAG could take something from how NAIGC is doing things and maybe apply some of that positivity and enthusiasm for the sport. I honestly feel like USAG has been focused for a while on all of the wrong things and now they are still focused on those wrong things in addition to trying to get all of us to pay them enough to help offset lawsuits and severance packages.
And another thing about NAIGC, I like that they are building the program for men's and women's. I feel like USAG almost ignores the mensm side .
There is a group, that has done a lot of organizing, in the event that something happens to USAG.. They have not gone into specifics, but they do have an organization they said they would partner with at the start. I hope they are truly ready to step in....

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