There are countless groups who have spent time considering whether to apply to become the new NGB for gymnastics. Most/all(?) are waiting to see if USAG is de-certified.
The selection process is as follows:
Section 8.19 Applications for Membership. Public Hearings. An amateur sports organization that desires to become a member of the corporation, or that desires to transfer membership from one membership group to another, shall apply in writing to the corporation through the CEO. Applications made under this Section shall be of sufficient detail to demonstrate that the applicant meets the criteria for membership in the group for which application is made. Prior to action by the Board on an application for membership, or for membership transfer, the CEO shall submit a written report with recommendations to the Board showing the facts that relate to the proposed action. In the case of an application for membership as an Olympic, Pan American or Paralympic Sport Organization, prior to preparing his or her report to the Board, the CEO shall hold at least two (2) public hearings concerning the application for membership. The corporation shall publish on its website, not less than thirty (30) days or more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of each hearing, a notice of the time, place, and nature of such hearing. The corporation shall send written notice, which shall include a copy of the application, at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of any such public hearing to all amateur sports organizations in that sport that are known to the corporation. At such hearing, the CEO or the CEO’s designee shall afford both the applicant organization and any otherinterested parties an opportunity to comment on the merits of the application, and the CEO shall summarize in the CEO’s report to the Board the comments so received.
The de-certification process is as follows:
Section 8.20 Termination of NGB and PSO Membership and Recognition. Any action by the corporation to suspend, revoke, or otherwise take action with respect to the membership and recognition of an Olympic, Pan American or Paralympic Sport Organization pursuant to the provisions of Section 220521(d) of the Act and Section 8.1 of these Bylaws shall be taken at the initiative of the CEO and shall be finally determined by the Board. Such action may be taken as a result of a compliance review undertaken by the corporation or pursuant to other information known to the corporation.
Section 8.20.1 Initiation of Action. The CEO, upon initiation of such an action, shall (i) issue a complaint to the Olympic, Pan American or Paralympic Sport Organization setting forth the legal and factual basis of non-compliance or other deficiency, and (ii) the remedy requested. The CEO shall also appoint an independent hearing panel of three individuals to hear the complaint. The hearing panel shall consist of (1) member of the Board (who shall chair the panel), one (1) individual who is a member of the NGB Council, and one (1) individual who is a member of the AAC. The hearing panel shall not include any individual having a direct interest, either personally or by virtue of organizational affiliation, in the outcome of the proceeding.
Section 8.20.2 Hearing. A hearing shall be held at which the Olympic, Pan American or Paralympic Sport Organization shall be given a reasonable opportunity to present factual evidence and legal argument regarding the allegations of the complaint. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the hearing panel shall prepare a report to the Board on the Organization’s non-compliance or deficiency. The report shall also include a recommendation as to the action to be taken by the Board.
Section 8.20.3 Report to the Board. The CEO shall provide the hearing panel’s report and recommendation, together with any report the CEO wishes to make, to the Board. The Olympic, Pan American or Paralympic Sport Organization shall also be furnished with a copy of the hearing panel’s report and recommendation, and with a copy of the CEO’s report, if any. The Olympic, Pan American or Paralympic Sport Organization shall also be provided an opportunity to present a written report to the Board.
Section 8.20.4 Board Consideration. The Board shall consider the matter relating to the Olympic, Pan American or Paralympic Sport Organizations membership and recognition as soon as is practicable. The Board shall not hold a further hearing on the matter, but shall only be required to consider the reports and recommendations provided to it. The Board shall then determine what action it will take concerning the Olympic, Pan American or Paralympic Sport Organization’s membership and recognition. The action of the Board shall be final and binding on the Olympic, Pan American or Paralympic Sport organization.