The comp leos at our gym are 180 new. Nothing too fancy, but does have some bling on it. Kadee is kinda inbetween sizes right now, so we ended up going with the smaller of the two sizes because the larger size the legs gap open on her. Anywho, I got a used one from another gymmie who out grew theirs. So it cost me 75 bucks. Not bad. Got a used warm up suit also, and paid 75 for that as well. Wasnt able to get a used gym bag, since everyone pretty much just keeps theirs (you dont grow out of your gym bag).
Well I think for the most part I did really good. And Im really happy about the leo. I got it for less than half price, wore by one girl, one season. The warm up was okay, WAS happy with the price (was under the impression the warm up was around 140ish). Got it home, it was filthy, looked like the parent NEVER washed the thing. Well I spent two whole days delecatly washing this blasted thing, trying to make sure that the stain remover i was using was only on the white part of the leg (main part is black) so as not to damage it in any way. Finally I get it cleaned and Im now happy with it.
Well this week when I went to get Kadee from practice there was a paper in her folder with the order form for those that still needed to order leos, warm ups, and bags. I didnt really pay much attention till I got home, and then I see that the bag brand new is 35 which is about what I had thought it to, I can swing it. That the leo was indeed 180..yay me, I got a good deal. Then I almost fell over. The warm up was only 80. I paid 75 for a used one, that was filthy. If I had known it was only going to be 5 more, I sure as heck would have gone that route.
Its not the gym that sells the used ones, its the parents. And maybe when they bought theirs it had cost them the 140 that I was under the impression it was supposed to cost. But it just agrivated me.
They say there is a sucker born every second. I guess I was that sucker that second. I should have checked into things a little more instead of being so quick to make sure I got a used one so I didnt have the expense of the new one. I'll know better next
P.S I love the idea of us posting pictures of our comp leos. I would LOVE to see everyones. It would be interesting to see how similar some may look or how different. Are we going to do that in this thread, or start a new one? A picture of it on, or just layed out? Warm ups too? LOL, Im such a kid sometimes.