I am a rec gymnastics coach and I have a 5 year old student who refuses to do her pullover or pretty much anything on the bar, and I'm just not really sure what to do about it. I've talked to her and i'm not really sure what she is afraid of? She said it was the flipping over part, but when I try to hold her in a candlestick on the bar she freaks out even tho she knows I am not going to flip her and have never once forced her to. Mind you I am heavily spotting her the entire time and she knows that I have her. There's also instances where she is afraid of going up on the wall bars to do leg lifts, and I've instead made her do those on a lower bar which she is fine with. I have tried to do a sitting pullover drill with her too, she watched all the other students do it and then when it was her turn she seemed excited to do it but then refused to flip, and once again when I held her there in a candle stick (her back was touching the ground) she freaked out still. i'm just kind of lost and ive had students be really scared of flipping over before but they are usually receptive to a sitting pullover and holding a candlestick on it with me spotting. And no, she is not scared of doing backward rolls on the floor so I just don't know. Any advice would be really great and appreciated and I'm sorry if this is all over the place!