WAG Summer accomplishments

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Feb 16, 2021
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Since we are right in the midst of summer uptraining, use this forum to brag about the wonderful accomplishment(s) you or someone you know who does gymnastics have achieved.

For me, I am the most inflexible gymnast ever. I kid you not. After all these years of gymnastics I FINALLY got my bad leg splits all the way down. Last time I tried I pulled a muscle, not joking, and had to take time off from splits.

I am especially proud of my sister (who does have her bad leg splits down, got them before me ;)) who just did her giants all by herself.

Edit: Oops, sent before I finished. Anyway. She decided to go for her giants un-spotted one day. No pressure from her coach or anything, it was her own decision. She also ended up adding in another giant that same day! She told me she is not even scared of them anymore and I am super proud.
In talking with my gymnast about giants it seems like they are SUPER scary till you have them and once you do them they arent scary at all kind of funny how that sometimes works.

My DD did her entire Level 8 bar routine the other day with the free hip on the highbar to handstand. She is also pretty consistently flipping her vault but a little nervous to land it on a mat instead of the pit. Did a front layout front pike on the Rod floor the other day. And Beam....well she does beam every practice hahahaha
From the few videos I have seen, my son is spending his summer cleaning up and getting stronger. He did get a new pbar skill the other day (new-ish. He has done them before but stopped) called a peters. He also got some new pommel things, but I have no idea what they are called.... lol
My older daughter (level 9) is recovering from shoulder surgery, gets sling off in a week. She misses gymnastics so much and can't wait to get back. Doctor said 6 months recovery, so we still have a long time :(.

My younger daughter training level 7 and trying to get giants. Sometimes she gets a few on pit bar, sometimes she doesn't. Also, trying to set series on beam (tic tok-flip flop) more consistent.. Big one is trying to find new floor music!
In talking with my gymnast about giants it seems like they are SUPER scary till you have them and once you do them they arent scary at all kind of funny how that sometimes works.

My DD did her entire Level 8 bar routine the other day with the free hip on the highbar to handstand. She is also pretty consistently flipping her vault but a little nervous to land it on a mat instead of the pit. Did a front layout front pike on the Rod floor the other day. And Beam....well she does beam every practice hahahaha
Bar routines can be so hard to put together! I myself am working on that....that is so awesome for her.
My older daughter (level 9) is recovering from shoulder surgery, gets sling off in a week. She misses gymnastics so much and can't wait to get back. Doctor said 6 months recovery, so we still have a long time :(.
Awww bummer. Thats really sad. I hope she heals quickly.
My younger daughter training level 7 and trying to get giants. Sometimes she gets a few on pit bar, sometimes she doesn't. Also, trying to set series on beam (tic tok-flip flop) more consistent.. Big one is trying to find new floor music!
Ahh the giants. They take so long to master completely! Ha, that sounds like me. I was the most indecisive child ever. I chose a music, then got injured and came back to gym and decided I didn't like it anymore! Than I took another month to pick out a music. And in the end I just decided to take a teammates old routine I loved!
My daughter recently moved from L9 to XD and is having fun getting to have more flexibility with her skill choice. She used to do a roundoff full for her dismount on beam (but had a lot of mental blocks on the roundoff, so often competed cartwheel full). She said she doesn't want to do roundoffs anymore so recently learned a gainer.

On bars she is working toe circle to handstand (not sure if that's what it's called), flyaway half (not so interested in maintaining the double back - another fear), and was excited because she put her giants back on parallel bars (has only been doing them on pit bar since regionals).

Great to see her happy after practice again!!!
My daughter, who is in tumbling and trampoline, got her double twist on power tumbling, and both a front and back double twist on the double mini, and the trampoline. She is within a week or so of putting a double back onto the double mini and the trampoline. She's been really working upgrades this summer!
OP, great job on the splits! My dd broke her ankle at the beginning of the summer, so she has not made too much progress this summer. She's starting to do a small amount of tumbling on floor and beam (just things like BHS and front tucks), but she is training for level 10 so she has a long way to go. But, she has spent more time focusing on bars and she has been working on front giants and piked jaegers and she actually just caught her first unspotted jaeger (still over the pit) last week!

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