Anon Support after gym change

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Anonymous (d4bf)

What's the best way to support a gymnast during an unexpected gym change? She was very happy at her previous gym, but the team program there was closed and she has moved to another gym. Any tips or advice on helping her through the process? She is a high-schooler, upper optional. Thx.
so sorry that she is dealing with this. My son went through this too (although it was 8th grade). We had to move him to a gym an hour away. After the first practice, he cried most of the way home, ready to quit. I gave him a day or so to think and then asked him if he could give it 1 year. I told him I didn't want someone else's business practices to be what makes him leave a sport he has loved. I told him that at the end of the year, if he still wanted to quit, that would be that.

He ended up loving it, and is still competing.

Good luck! Just be there to listen to her as she deals with this transition!
My daughter went through it too but much younger. I think at that age she understands that things change. And if she's in high school looking towards college this is a good opportunity for her to practice learning to adjust to new space, new coaching styles, etc... I would definitely tell her to see it through one season and see how she feels afterwards. But she needs to give it an honest chance - try to make connections with the athletes and the new coaches.

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