WAG Talk to me about back problems...

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Mary, Any more news on your DD's back?
No fracture, but also no improvement in the pain. Saw chiropractor Fri, goes back again Wed. See's a PT with a spine specialty on the 24th.
Sending healing fairies and good luck! Sounds like you are attacking it from all angles. When is her first meet?
2 months. I asked the optionals coach if she had any feeling about what DD will be doing at the beginning of the season... ready for 8, scratching events, scratching a meet, competing 7... and she said the plan was still for her to compete 8, but they won't know for sure till they see how well she comes back, especially given that she's still in pain. As much as I know she would prefer to compete 8, most of her level 7 teammates are repeating, so I'm sure she would have fun competing with them for a meet or two (or more) as a strong level 7 till she's really ready for 8.

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