Parents The 50% cut post level 4

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We just had a new team parent meeting today. It's exciting to see the enthusiasm. But sad, too. My dd has one kid left that started with her. She's training 10. The kid that started devo team with her is level 8. Same training group. My ds has no one left that started with him. He's at a different gym now, but none of the kids he started level 4 with are even in the sport any more. I'm amazed that I even HAVE two kids training level 10. That's gotta be rare right there!!
If you only keep in contact with the kids for as long as they're in the gym with yours, then yeah, it's sad to see them leave. It's only my DD's 2nd year on team, but I was sad when girls started quitting and moving to different gyms. After following up with a few of them, though, it's exciting to see what they've moved on to: lacrosse, diving, soccer, or even sticking to gymnastics just on their own terms and in gyms with different philosophies. I think it will be bittersweet when my daughter leaves the sport too, but I hope that the end of gymnastics just means that she's on to greater adventures in life.
Life isn't static. Things change all the time. They are kids, their abilities and interests change. Their needs change. Their lives change, family situations.

Just life happening.

We lose kids every year for a variety of reasons. It's bittersweet. We miss them and are happy to see them enjoying what they are moving onto. Sometimes we are sad that maybe there a family situation that required the change. This is life. Someday it will be our turn to move on.
If you only keep in contact with the kids for as long as they're in the gym with yours, then yeah, it's sad to see them leave. It's only my DD's 2nd year on team, but I was sad when girls started quitting and moving to different gyms. After following up with a few of them, though, it's exciting to see what they've moved on to: lacrosse, diving, soccer, or even sticking to gymnastics just on their own terms and in gyms with different philosophies. I think it will be bittersweet when my daughter leaves the sport too, but I hope that the end of gymnastics just means that she's on to greater adventures in life.
I didn't mean it was sad for them. I meant it was sad for my kids. It changes their training dynamic when a close team mate leaves. They are still friends and in contact with the ones they were the closest to, but it's not the same in the gym for my gymmies. That's why it's sad.
What has made me the most sad are the ones that had to stop due to injuries, ongoing pains, etc. They love the sport, their heart is in it, but their bodies told them it was time to quit. So UNFAIR!

What's even sadder to watch is when those families refuse to listen to their bodies when they've been unable to do the sport physically and/or mentally for years. All the "gym family" stuff sometimes causes people not to think rationally.
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My dd's team had that happen after level 3. They went from 13 to 6 girls. 1 moved gyms and the other 6 quit. It was really hard on those left. Then another quit in the middle of the level 4 season, so they are down to 5. As far as I know all 5 are moving on to 5/7. If any of them change their mind though, my DD will be devastated. It is hard. :(
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There were 17 girls training level 4 with dd before her level 4 season began. Only three of that group are still in gymnastics. Only one girl is still at that same gym.

17 trained level 4
10 completed a full season of level 4
4 left gymnastics, 2 repeated 4, 4 moved on to level 5 (two at same gym, two at new gym)
one of the repeaters is now a 7; dd and friend are now 8s; the rest left gymnastics after injury (two backs and an ankle)
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There were 15 level 3's in dd's original group. Now there are only 3 left. We've lost several to moves (military families mostly), a few injuries that forced retirement and a lot that just decided to not continue. Each year dd has lost her closest training partner for one reason or another. And yet, she presses on. I'm so proud of my kid's tenacity in this sport.
We had 20 some level threes last year I am curious to see what the numbers will look like as we move up. Initially I thought DD might be one of the early exiters but now I think she may well stick it out awhile. I would love to see her get to optionals but we will just have to see how it all plays out!
Now I have to think about it.... out of DDs L4/5 group (they train together at our gym, then go 7 or repeat 5) there are several still at the gym, and most of them still in her level/training group. A few have dropped to do other sports (HS cheer, track). 3 moved to another gym who promised higher levels (interestingly, those girls are of course competing the same level as my DD still...). In the current "Optional" training group are 7 girls (out of like 15) that my DD has been with since pre-team... I think that is actually decent. A LOT of kids in her preteam group were sorted into L3 rather than L4 when she moved to team, and out of those only 1 kid remains (current L7). Out of the girls one level up from DD when she started on team, only 2 out of like 12 remain. Out of the girls DD started with, they have only been split this year with some going L7, some L8... for next year they will be either 8's or 9's. Not too bad for a smaller gym.
I just looked up my two's first meets. DD's was in the 09-10 season and DS's was in 11-12.

DD was in a group of 10. Five are still doing competitive gymnastics (one L10, two L9s, one XCel Diamond, and DD, who is probably shifting over to XD next season).
DS was in a group of 6. Four are still doing competitive gymnastics. Two are JD, one is L8, and DS is L9.

I guess we picked a good gym.
So, I went back and looked at DD's preteam list. Out of 12 girls, 4 are no longer doing gymnastics, 5 (including DD) are in the XP/6 training group this summer, 2 are in the XG group and 1 is training L6 at a different gym. Interestingly, the girls who have been in her group have vsried from season to season.
We are currently having some drama at the gym and there seems to be a lot of people going to the gym right down the street (due to favoritism issues). I will be curious how they progress in comparison with the current gym. So it seems the season is just over and our numbers may already be decreasing.
When my dd started on preteam I thought we’d be together (the girls and parents) for years to come. I was of course mistaken, as they all went their separate ways after that first year of preteam, which wrapped up three years ago. Of those eight girls, five made it onto team and all are still competing, though each is in/training a different level ranging from L4 to L9. Clearly they are each on their own journey and moving at their own pace; it’s all so interesting.

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