WAG The practice after a meet

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Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
What do you do in your gym? Talk? Just get back to regular practice? Consequences? Rewards?
From the lobby it looks like the kids go directly back to normal practice.
Normally we talk some about our performances and as a group and individually what we can do in our training to improve our performance at the next meet. We acknowledge those that did very well too. Usually we video record our routines at the meet as well so we watch those briefly to physically see what we can improve.
What level? Do all the girls watch every event ? How do you have time for that?
day off, sometimes 2, with conditioning, flexibility and rope. it takes the body about 4-5 days to recover from a competition. not just physically, but emotionally also. :)
Our meets are extremely spaced out, so immediately after a meet the kids have a fairly relaxed and fun class, and then they uptrain a lot until several weeks before the next meet. The kids also usually get a class or 2 off, because either they have been travelling far distances on a plane and are tired, or the coaches and parents have been trying to put the gym back together after our own meet.
A day off, like Dunno indicates above. Sometimes a picture of medal winners together. Then back to regular training, and I understand that might include discussions on feedback they might have received from judges if an interesting/unexpected score came out of the meet, or things that might not have gone as well as planned.

Repercussions? No. Rewards? No. The reward is (hopefully) feeling good about what you accomplished regardless of standing, and the repercussion usually self inflicted and hopefully a motivator to work on the necessary to improve in the future.
From the lobby it looks like they jump right back in. Sometimes if we have traveled far and gotten in late the night before I will let dd skip practice, but I think that has only happened twice so far.
no discussion. work as usual. it is nice because if a child had a bad meet, it is over and done with (no rehashing) but if they had an amazing one, no discussion either. :) Good and bad I guess.
Ok, looks like most just get right into practice again, with possibly some days off or more up training. I was thinking of doing a journal, where they can write goals for the next meet and/or successes about the last one. Good idea or not? Undecided whether they would be read by me or kept private.
Maybe a little talk, a little less intensity, maybe a game, but generally it is regular practice.
Dunno, why does it take so long to recover because from the bleachers it looks like a meet day is less work than a 5 hour workout in the gym.....4 run throughs and then they're done!

I never see any signs of stress or anxiety from my gymmie (wish I could say the same for me!). Or does your statement just apply to older/higher level gymnasts?
Dunno, why does it take so long to recover because from the bleachers it looks like a meet day is less work than a 5 hour workout in the gym.....4 run throughs and then they're done!

I never see any signs of stress or anxiety from my gymmie (wish I could say the same for me!). Or does your statement just apply to older/higher level gymnasts?

yes. older and higher level. and everything isn't what it appears from a physiology perspective. :)
Optional levels. But even in compulsories we'd take the time to regroup and talk briefly about the meet. Like 10 minutes max at the beginning of practice. And with the videos we watch them when we go to the event in between turns.
Dunno, why does it take so long to recover because from the bleachers it looks like a meet day is less work than a 5 hour workout in the gym.....4 run throughs and then they're done!
I never see any signs of stress or anxiety from my gymmie (wish I could say the same for me!). Or does your statement just apply to older/higher level gymnasts?
I totally agree with you on the perception that from a purely physical perspective a 5 hour training session seems more physically demanding. BUT..... interesting, my 9 yr old gymmie totally needs the time afterwards to "unwind", take in everything that has happened, and come to terms with her placement, etc. It is entirely psychological for her, plus whatever physiological manifestations that results in. To head into the gym, analyse publicly what she had done, how she'd placed, and go immediately back to work would likely make matters worse. She's had meets where she's done very well, and others she did not, and that doesn't seem to affect that she needs the wind-down. This year is her first year with scores, meets that matter to her, etc. so I expect the ramp up and wind down to be even longer.
We generally get right back to it. We usually have Sunday off and then go back to it on Monday.
In our gym, kids go directly to practice. Some parents will congratulate. Other than that, just like any other regular practice day
Our lower level girls generally get a little trampoline/tumble track time, then some skill work with a break from routines. But this is our littlest team members, not sure about the older girls.
Well, DD competed on Saturday and so today (Monday) her group and their coach had about a 15 minute discussion before practice started in earnest. I saw a lot of hands being raised, a lot of high fives and smiles and laughter. I can only guess they were talking about the previous meet and of course, DD will completely forget what they talked about when I ask her about it after practice. :rolleyes:
Normal practice usually but they will start with the head coach talking about 10 min. Usually congratulating the team members on any personal victories, identifying some area that may need more attention when they get to a specific event. Then on to a regular practice.

If we were at a gym the punished the girl after a meet I would be there past that night.

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