This week I accomplished...

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After doing something bad to the muscles in my ankle by managing to cross my feet over in BHS when going for RO BHS BT two weeks ago, I'm pretty much only on bars. I got my Back hip circle down really nicely for the first time ever!
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Sorry about your ankle! Good job though on the back hip circle! What other skills are you working on bars?
I actually managed to land a round off on beam. For the past couple of months whenever I tried them I always pulled my back leg to the side right before I would land (had mats stacked up). I was kinda scared of hurting my ankle s(done that before on round offs) - it was weird though, because I would do them on rock solid floor but not on the much softer beam...
so yesterday I did one. At the en of practice, so I couldn't do another one. Maybe I'll try again today. I hope to get the skill for the next season though, because I'm not exactly a natural on beam and I desperately need a flight for next season.
vaulted for the first time in 9 months (ankle injury). i did two front handsprings and the ankle felt fine.
i still really want a flight series on beam. back walkover is too inconsistent to connect a bhs, so i did three cartwheel bhs on low beam with the beam pad. kind of scary. i'm glad that some of the girls that i coach were there so that i had to do it.
tumbling on tumble tramp was awesome, it even surprised me!
i think that i secretly hope that i can still do camp this year...who knows!
Did lots of routines on bars and beam and halfs of routines this week, in preparation for states this weekend. Did some floor tumbling and vault but not very much to protect the pain on the side of my legs that flares up if I do too much of that. Did lots of floor dance, leaps jumps and turns too though. Went to gymnastics 5 days this week and the meet was the 6th day! Bars and beam are definitely getting cleaner and more consistent; floor not so much lately. Vault I think I am getting better even though I'm not doing much, because I am thinking really hard about where everything needs to be.
I'm still kind of shocked about the stiffness in my ankle. It's three weeks since I hurt it, and it took a week for me to walk properly again. I'm just about getting towards the flexibility I had before upwards and down is fine now - I've always had hyperexstensive ankles.
LittleLady, I'm also working upstarts (kip) and straddle on forward sole circle, but the straddle on is making me nervous in case I miss and over stretch the ankle.
This week, I'd like to do bwo on low beam without the pads and try some cartwheels on low beam, try one or two handspring vaults, and some round-offs or bhs on floor instead of just tumble trampette. I'll tell you tomorrow if I make it!
Good luck for states at the weekend Gina!
This week I accomplished spraining my ankel although I didn't relize it till the day after the class...Fun
After 6 years of not doing high bar, I decided to start training it again.

In the past week, I've relearned my blind change, my front pirouette, and my flyaway (into a pit)
Ok, so my front tucks, though I am landing seated, I am getting myself around to the proper point. So that is good. Did some BHS over the barrel tonight, and those were pretty good. My handstand on beam, though not vertical, is higher and I land with my feet both on the beam almost every time now (I only landed off the beam about three times out of 30 or so tries-I think the skinny beam secret helps!). And, those blasted pull overs? Nope, still don't have them, HOWEVER my coach is now doing the one handed spotting(I think, it seems that way), and I need to get myself about a measly six inches more, and I will HAVE them, all by my little lonesomes! YAY! I have a feeling it will be any day now.....
Hey nicci,
Here's a drill to help you get those hip pullovers! Get onto the bar in a front support. Hang over the bar in a piked position. Keep your legs tight, arms straight and start to "pump" your legs to get a rocking motion going. After a few good rocking swings, LIFT your chest and flick your wrists to get your upper body on top of the bar. This is the second half of the hip pullover and it seems you're getting "stuck" at that point. This drill will develop your timing of lifting your upper body on that second part of the skill and also increase your strength for it. I've been wanting to tell you about this for a while but I thought you might have gotten them by now, so I held back. Go for it! Give this drill a try at every workout. I'm sure it will help you. :)
I guess I'll say my accomplishment this week is that I got to the doctors and now I can take off my cast & start moving my ankle around a bit to get my mobility back. I also got to talk to the people at the amusement park and found out they want me to work there in the show when I'm ready. I guess I just have about 3 more weeks until I can get back on both my feet.
yay Kylie! Glad you are out of your cast now!! That was fast! Today I got my FHS on tumble track, without the barrel, and landed three times on my feet! The first time I was just in utter shock, and was surprised by the fact that I was actually STANDING. Yeah, I just have that one point on my pullovers that I get stuck at. I can even get my thighs to hit the bar, but I just need to get them up six more inches or so. Though I do need to still work on my stregnth, I think for some reason it is just not fully clicking in my head how to do it with out the extra push from a spot. But they are A LOT closer now, so we will see :cool:
glad you're out of the cast, kylie! it's awesome that you can still get the job once you're better! that will be fun :)

nice job, nicci! can't wait to see how much you've progressed tues. night!
That's great news! Everything is going just as you hoped it would. I'm happy for you.
Congrats on your FHS! That must have felt great. I'm hoping you get your hip pullover soon too!
Have a fun, safe Memorial Day weekend everyone! ;)
today i went back to the gym for the first time in 3 months. it was open gym, so i could just do whatever i wanted. i did mostly beam, and was able to start doing some handstands, cartwheels, and full turns on high beam with a mat under it. i was a little nervous being up on the high beam after being gone for so long, but i just told myself to go for it and by the end i had done a few good turns of each skill. i did some side aerials into the resi, and round offs on the tumble track. i also did some split leaps, switch leaps, and split jumps on floor and beam, but those hurt a bit, so i think i am going to hold off on those for awhile. my back is a little sore now, and i think that might be why. i tried bars, but couldn't do anything without pain. i can't wait to get better so i can do everything! right now i guess i am going to focus on beam and getting over my fears and perfecting the skills i can already do.
Good for you, Danielle!!! Wow, you did a lot. Take a nice, long, hot bath and reflect on what you've accomplished. You deserve it for sure. :D 3 cheers!
Having never worked any release moves before, I decided to break in our gym's new pit bar with some Kovacs timers.

Those things are really scary, but SO MUCH FUN!
That is great Danielle! I am glad you did go today and get some stuff accomplished! Just remember to keep taking it slowly!
This week I did fewer routines and am working on refining basic technique and also upgrading my routines to as close to level 8 rules as possible, as those are the rules for the adult AAU nationals the end of june.

I needed a 2 salto pass, so I have been working front pike right into front tuck. I did some of them and they are OK. I am better at front tuck front tuck which is an option as well.

On bars I have been working a lot of casts into giants. My cast is slowly getting higher more consistently, but still not enough to get credit for the handstand. I can giant out of it on the pit bar though, but maybe not w/ the low bar behind. I will add a straddle back into my bar routine next anyway, but working giants is always fun, and I might get them in time for the meet. I have them, its just a matter of the cast.

On beam I have done a lot of bhs and working on pike jump into tuck 3/4 which I have pretty well, but haven't competed this year cause it was extra difficulty I didn't need. I straddled the beam on a roundoff but I fell kinda slow and caught myself so it didnt hurt, but my ankle did hurt a little. I am doing a lot of turns too and they are slowly but surely improving in consistency.

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