This week I accomplished...

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connected two full bar routines! super bad form on the second half, and i bent me legs so the didn't tap the ground after my straddle back. please tell me routines get easier.
i'm getting a floor routine in two weeks. i can't wait.
Routines do get a lot easier... just getting used to the connections. Though I still have a hard time doing toe shoots out of a connection
very happy with practice this week. i was looking for C dance on beam and i learned a leap 1/2 and a wolf 1/2. i even did them on the medium beam. it isn't big enough yet, but i was very pleased because we never did any jumps with twist when i was younger. we never even did split jumps or wolfs. it was sassones(sp?) and pike jumps.
also tried a whip on floor. haven't done that since i was playing around in L8! i think i might want that for my two salto pass.
bar routines still really take it out of me. the form totally falls apart on the high bar, and then i have to catch my breath.
I think I got my FHS back YAY! Bars is still pretty inconsistent, but I did a few vaults with my pike virtually gone, and I think I may be getting the hang of doing a "proper" handstand on beam. I used to just almost jump into it, now I am doing it with more control, even though its nowhere close to vertical anymore. Aw well, better to correct it now I guess.
This week I accomplished ripping in the same spot for the 4th time in the last 6 weeks while working my kip. I even ripped through the tape I used on it. Good news is I've actually started shifting my wrists and re-gripping but my right hand seems to always go before my left. Perhaps that's why I keep ripping my right hand. I've been putting it off but I think I'm going to start using my grips next week.

I didn't post it last week but I finally got my SBH. Now I need to get over my fear of connecting it to my round-off.

All of a sudden, my cross on rings is consistant, flat, and.... not all that hard.

Two weeks ago I could barely hold one slightly above horizontal for three seconds. Yesterday I held one for an easy eight seconds, and could hold a conversation while doing so.

(I'm still false-gripping it pretty majorly, but I'm going to spend the next couple months trying to get it without a false grip)
So followup about my blind changes, I made at least one at the three practices I had after first getting it last month, so it wasn't just one of those 'luck' things that I didn't really have. However, I won't be able to practice for awhile, because I had to have another abdominal surgery last month. In about 6 months from now I am going to have additional surgery so just when I might be ready to return to the gym I will be out again. i am going to do what working out I can on the side as I am able and get back into it as soon as I can. Right now I am just limited to walking and gentle stretching. So that's why you guys won't see me posting to this thread in the near future. It's fun to read everyone's accomplishments! I so wish more adults would do gymnastics so it would be easier for us to have good training situations!
i learned for the aau level 8, that there is no point in doing C dance skills because they are only counted as B's. they are looking for form. so i changed all of my C's back to B's. and low and behold, routines are a lot easier.
i made two kip cast handstands on the high bar on tuesday!!!
did my cartwheel bhs on high beam (kind of). we had three 8 inchers stacked up underneath.
lets start a new thread for accomplishments in 2010. this one is getting really long..
Agreed here Katy. Awesome to hear your routines are going as well as they are!!! I have started working on FHC, and kipping drills, as well as continuing squat on drills. Cartwheel on beam is feeling pretty confident, handstand still not so much b/c of the double jointed shoulder. Also working drills for FHS on vault as well(real FHS over vault lol)
to anyone who subscribes to this link and doesn't check the adult forum often....
we have started a new 2010 accomplishments thread. join us there to track everyone's progress

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