Kylie, I kinda know how you feel about asking. I was a level 8 and went off to college, to a team where I was told they never 'cut' a walk-on, you can always just practice with the team, even if you are not very good. Well, after being told that the coach decided to cut three of us for the first time ever. I was devestated, because I thought I had 4 years of gymnastics ahead of me, and it was gone.
I didn't even know if adults were allowed to compete at the time, but I wanted to ask my coach if I could come back to at least train (I was 18, and a freshman in college). I had taken off four months and wasn't in gymnastics shape. I had just been given the plaque the year before for 'graduating seniors' and my gym had a HUGE going away party for me that summer. My coach also would always say how gymnastics was really for young kids.
But, I missed gymnastics so much that I forced myself to act, and he was surprised at first and probably thought it was a fancy that wouldn't last, but he said of course you can (granted, I had a history w/ him, and was still only 18). At that point I wished I hadn't waited so long!
It was funny at meets because I looked younger than my age, and the girls would say, 'oh I am a sophomore, I am a junior' and I would say, 'I am a freshman...IN COLLEGE.' they were always very surprised, some didn't know it was allowed either...
Team is where you'll come along in your skills that much faster, so as long as the coaches see the potential they would probably rather have you start working with them sooner rather than later...