Deleted member 17723
I want your opinions. I am a 14 year old level 4. I am competing level 4, but I train level 5, 6, and 7 as well. I know I'm old for this level. I did it when I was 9, quit when I was almost 11 because my coaches would not spot me, forced me to do skills I obviously couldn't do, etc. I hated it because of that. Around a year later I decided I wanted to start again, so I did, this time at a YMCA. I was 12 and was old level 4. Last year I did new level 3 and was very successful. I got consistent 37 and 38 aa, 9.5s, etc. I moved up to level 4, but it seems I'm always injured. I fractured my finger at the growth plate, chipped a bone in a different area and tore a ligament in September. Then I mildly sprained my ankle tripping on tumbl trak in October. In November/early december I hyperextended my knee in a bh. I have shin splints and I just sprained and strained my ankle falling off beam. As soon as I come back from an injury, I seem to get another. I love the sport but I just wonder if these injuries are my bodies way of saying stop. I'm not sure. I want to keep competing and doing gymnastics but I'm not sure if it's for me anymore. I hate nights that gymnastics is canceled, I love it. Opinions on quitting or staying?