Tips for First Meet?

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Oct 7, 2014
Reaction score
I will be having my first gymnastics meet this Sunday! I am super nervous already. I have know idea what to expect. Tips? Also how should I style my hair. We don't have a specific team hairstyle, so we can do anything that will get your hair out of your face. I was thinking of a curling my hair and putting it in a ponytail, but it seems kind of cheerleader like. I am looking for a good hairspray, too! I appreciate any advice! :)
Well, you could do your hair that. Or maybe you could do french braids into a ponytail or a bun. For hairspray I use "aussie freeze". And don't be nervous. I was terrified before my first meet, but everything was fine. And don't be depressed if you don't get nines. It's normal to get all 7 and 8. And if you do get nines then great!
Good luck! Trust the training you've had in practice. It's my 5th year competing & I'm still a nervous wreck before meets ;) But once I actually get there & start warming up I relax. Set skill goals on each event, rather than score or placement goals. You can control what you do, not what scores you receive or how you place. Aim to get to the meet about 30 min early. This will relieve unnecessary stress about arriving on time, plus whoever is watching you can get good seats. At some meets, especially ones in smaller venues, these are sparse.
As for what to expect, meets vary, but at most meets, there is a general warmup at the beginning where you stretch & run etc. to get warm. You won't be able to do actual skills on any event except for floor. You can do run through's on vault & find bar settings though. Then, you'll rotate from event to event & warmup then compete at each event.
For hair, I wear a bun for meets. My first year, I used a braided ponytail, but my hair doesn't braid well, so I always ended up with little flyaways. Just make sure whatever you do looks neat and doesn't interfere with any of your skills, and it'll be fine. I've seen many teams use a curled pony tail.
Once again, good luck!
Don't be nervous! You will do fine! Just think of it as a learning experienece, and don't worry about your scores. It is ok to get 7s! If you get a 9 your more than prepared for the rest of your season! If you get nervous just picture the judges doing gymnastics! Good luck!
For your hair, maybe do a ballet bun or french braids.
Well, you could do your hair that. Or maybe you could do french braids into a ponytail or a bun. For hairspray I use "aussie freeze". And don't be nervous. I was terrified before my first meet, but everything was fine. And don't be depressed if you don't get nines. It's normal to get all 7 and 8. And if you do get nines then great!
Thanks! I used the hairspray and my hair stayed put! :)
Good luck! Trust the training you've had in practice. It's my 5th year competing & I'm still a nervous wreck before meets ;) But once I actually get there & start warming up I relax. Set skill goals on each event, rather than score or placement goals. You can control what you do, not what scores you receive or how you place. Aim to get to the meet about 30 min early. This will relieve unnecessary stress about arriving on time, plus whoever is watching you can get good seats. At some meets, especially ones in smaller venues, these are sparse.
As for what to expect, meets vary, but at most meets, there is a general warmup at the beginning where you stretch & run etc. to get warm. You won't be able to do actual skills on any event except for floor. You can do run through's on vault & find bar settings though. Then, you'll rotate from event to event & warmup then compete at each event.
For hair, I wear a bun for meets. My first year, I used a braided ponytail, but my hair doesn't braid well, so I always ended up with little flyaways. Just make sure whatever you do looks neat and doesn't interfere with any of your skills, and it'll be fine. I've seen many teams use a curled pony tail.
Once again, good luck!
Thanks! When we started warming up, I started relaxing a bit!
Don't be nervous! You will do fine! Just think of it as a learning experienece, and don't worry about your scores. It is ok to get 7s! If you get a 9 your more than prepared for the rest of your season! If you get nervous just picture the judges doing gymnastics! Good luck!
For your hair, maybe do a ballet bun or french braids.
Thanks! :)
Yeah, you should post meet results :) we'd love to know how you did! :)

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