too late to begin?

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well here is the story.
i'm almost 14 & pretty flexible like i can almost do the splits & i can do a backbend.
also i almost have my handstand down;
but would i be too old to start gymnastics?

& a final question is, are the gymnastics programs at the y any good?
where i live there isn't much choses for gyms so that's where i would go.
We have lots of older gymnasts on here who are begining later than you. Many of them even plan to compete in masters leagues. There are meets that are fun.

Y's have great reputations and they often are more relaxed than other gyms, it may be just what you need.

Call them, tell them about yourself and ask what they have that might work for you. Then ask if you can go and try a free class, all clubs have that. That way you can try iy, if it doesn't work you haven't lost anything.

In our club we have a group for 14 and up that looks so much fun, they don't train like the little kids, they train bigger skills earlier and they are less focussed on beginner routines!
Never too late!! I did it for a few years as a kid so I wasn't a total beginner but I ended up going back to gymnastics at 15 for a few years. Now I'm in an adult class and we have some people who are brand new to gymnastics! It's a lot of fun nop matter what age you are :)

I started recreational tumbling when I was sixteen.

Started competitive gymnastics just before I turned seventeen. I was a level four for a couple of months, then decided not to compete for a while. In six months I have already started working on my level 8 routines. I will be competing them in the summer.

Dedication is key, I spend more time in the gym than anyone else on the team and it shows. Be wary of starting to quickly though, if you aren't smart about it, it is easy to get injured.

Good luck to you in your training,
best wishes.
It is definitely not too late for you to start!

I started at exactly the same age, which was about 5 months ago. I am now working level 5 and 6 skills (and a few 7s). I have not been competing, though I have been training a lot. I'm planning on joining the high school team next year to compete. You could definitely start now, as long as you are dedicated to the sport. Do some research on local gyms and the classes offered for older girls. You may even want to invest in some private lessons- they really help you improve at a faster rate. Classes at the Y can be great- I have numerous friends in them, and they are improving at a good pace and having a great time! Until you join, spend some time everyday stretching your splits and power bridges. Definitely be careful when doing this- you will want to stretch for a bit prior to practicing the splits and bridges. You can even watch TV in a split! (I do all the time :)) You should see if your high school has a gymnastics team- that would be a great place for you to continue if you like gymnastics! It's a great way for older girls to compete even if they are beginners. My high school team welcomes complete beginners as well as experienced gymnasts, so you're bound to fit in and have fun!

Good luck and have an awesome time! You'll love gymnastics :D
Definately not too late! I started gymnastics in September at 16.

As far as the Y goes, my local Y doesn't take girls older than 12. When I e-mailed the coach there to ask if she'd take me or if she knew anywhere that would, I never got a reply. Luckily, I found a great gym near-by and have been going there.
thanks that helped alot i am going to call them this week & see when i can start going.
I didn't start gym until I was 13, got on team when I was 14. It's never too late.

Y programs sound like they are really nice. We have the opposite problem- there aren't any Y programs around here.
Just like the others's NEVER too late!! I have 2 classes of girls about your age that are beginners at gymnastics and tumbling. They seem to get very excited about learning new skills & it's fun teaching them. Try out a class at a few places and find the right fit for you....GOOD LUCK!!
I started late too! I was about at you flexibility, I think, and I LOVE gymnastics! I am now competing USAIGC Bronze, about Level 5 skillwise and it's so fun! (especially Vault, once you start going over the table! I'm always least nervous for that at competitions! It's so fun!) You should definately try it!
You're never too old! As long as you're commited and you practice, :) Before you join somewhere, i would suggest checking the place out, maybe ask a worker if you could observe some of the gymnasts in action, I hope this helped, im not the best advise giver :)

well here is the story.
i'm almost 14 & pretty flexible like i can almost do the splits & i can do a backbend.
also i almost have my handstand down;
but would i be too old to start gymnastics?

& a final question is, are the gymnastics programs at the y any good?
where i live there isn't much choses for gyms so that's where i would go.
well i think you should do a different sport gymnastics is a hard sport to learn and the Y SUCKSSSSS
Just want to say as a gym mom that you should GO FOR IT! You are a very young girl and should try EVERYTHING that interests you, it is surely not too late to get into gymnastics. Find a gym that is comfortable for your skill level and age, and enjoy yourself!
Its never too late to start anything you want to do.
Talk to your gym coaches and see what they think. Some gyms only want younger kids in the lower levels so they won't even consider older ones.

Have you considered the Prep-Op program? Alot of older girls got that route when they love gymnastics and want to compete but don't want to be at meets with lots of 6t - 9 yo.
im 13 and im a level 3, moving on to level four this summer. Im the secon d oldest, but trust me. theres like 4 girls on preteam who are 11-13. We also have one 14 year old. If you like gymnastics, then i say go for it. Its never to late! Sometimes its better to be older because you take direction better then the little kids, and kinda understand it more then not. dont worry, who cares if youre the oldest? i always loved little kids so its not as much as a problem for me. Dont worry, just have fun!
it's never too late to start :) i first started gymnastics when i was 6 but took a long break and started back up again when i was 12. Now I'm 13 years old and on team so never give up on your dreams!
well here is the story.
i'm almost 14 & pretty flexible like i can almost do the splits & i can do a backbend.
also i almost have my handstand down;
but would i be too old to start gymnastics?

& a final question is, are the gymnastics programs at the y any good?
where i live there isn't much choses for gyms so that's where i would go.

Its never too old or too late to start anything you want to do. If its something you think you might like take a rec class over the summer and see how it is. Who knows if you have talent you may even be chosen for a team opportunity.

We have several classes with high school kids in them

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