Parents Totally off topic question...when did you have your DD start shaving her legs??

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Ironic timing as DD just recently stared shaving her legs. She's an incoming 8th grader, so maybe a bit older than average? She did some research and ended up choosing to start with an inexpensive, battery-operated electric razor that comes in fun colors. While it doesn't result in a close shave, it's been a great starter for her. She wasn't thrilled about trying a traditional razor just yet.
My dd gymnast was 14, later than most of the girls in the gym. Her younger sister started, on her own, at around 12 or so. I told them both they could do it when they wanted to, or never if that was their preference, because there is no law saying you have to! I didn't have an opinion on whether they should or shouldn't, and my oldest just didn't care for a long time. I am not super girly myself or concerned with convention when it comes to that stuff, though, and I have often shared that I think it's silly all the stuff women are "supposed" to do, so I felt like they should come to it on their own. I don't wear makeup either and at 16 and 15 they don't want to, even though I've asked them several times if they want to try.
mine is 12 and hasn't asked to yet. i'll let her when she does though.

i told her probably a year or so ago that she could tell me when she was ready.
My daughter has to be the luckiest girl I know. She began shaving her legs at 14.5 but only shaves every 2 months or so as it is not very noticeable. She uses the disposable Venus razor for the reasons mentioned above.

This is what has happened with my daughter! She only has to shave maybe every 6-8 weeks. Very lucky! Once I started shaving, it was every 4 days. :rolleyes:
DD started shaving the summer before 6th grade I believe. With an electric razor, as she could do it quickly. The "not as close" shave didn't bother her, she just didn't want to be "hairy".
She is coming up on 15 now, and I've told her that when she turns 16 I'd love to take her to get her legs lasered (no, not in a "toddlers & tiaras" way. I got my legs done a few years ago, with a Groupon, and I swear, if I could go back to 16 and get lasered, I'd do it in a heartbeat!!!), but she doesn't to. Yet... We'll see her opinion once she's actually old enough.
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On a related note, do you all have the girls just shave from the knee down, or given the exposure in a leo, full leg?
Full leg. Although I tried to convince her knee down only.
blimey, this thread is an eye opener. Mine is 13 and a half, no discussion as yet about shaving. She is blonde which helps, but then I didn't even think about legs until I was in University, and then only sporadically in summer. ( the joys of being a pasty soul)

Personally I epilate as I cant be bothered with anything that takes too much time, so I am assuming she will go the same way. She did joke the other day that when the time comes she wont have a problem as she is used to ripping tape off on a regular basis.
Mine is 12 and we are slowly easing into this. She has thick blonde hair, so while there is a lot, it isn't noticeable unless you are close. I helped her shave her legs several months ago and it resulted in patches of hair. A couple of weeks ago we bought Nair and the disposable razor with the soap attached. She naired one day, she said it stung really bad. The next week she shaved. She needs to do it again. The armpit hair is my biggest concern. It grows really fast and she can't seem to shave it all.
She was 10.5 when she started using an electric razor and then started using a real one when she turned 11 and before last competition season. She will be 12 soon and she still shaves them regularly. As a bonus it helps keep her eczema under control because the hair doesn't irritate it.
I did get a little flack from a few people but overall, eh it is hair on her legs and I agree with others, there are bigger worries.
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Mine was 12. Shaved from just above the knee down. She has always been as exceptionally furry kid and was very aware of her leg fur (her words not mine ).
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Mine started on her own when she was 10. We use the disposable blade type.
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Mine is 14. I suggested she might want to shave her legs last year when competition season began, but she didn't care and couldn't be bothered. She finally started shaving her armpits this summer.

Mine is Asian/white mixed. She doesn't have a lot of hair, but what she has is really dark. She just doesn't care. Lol
4th grade. She has darker hair, and was getting a little self conscious, especially with being in a Leo all the time :)
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My friend and her daughter decided to wax her legs after talking with professional who claims that if she starts with waxing it will decrease growing and need for shaving in adulthood. Something it does to the hair follicle early on. We haven't made the jump yet with my daughter but plan on it soon. You may try this if you haven't already used electric razor.
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