WAG Training times and break times - a survey

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Proud Parent
May 26, 2011
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I stink at coming up with titles, lol.

I wanted to start this new thread off of the nutrition thread below.

It seems like all our gymnasts have different lengths of trying and the break times vary also. This is kind of a survey for my own curiosity and to see what differences are out there.

1. How long is your gymnast's training and what time of day?

2. How long is the break?

3. When during training do they get the break? (If they train 5-9, break is at 6:30 for example)

4. Do they have a microwave/kettle/toaster/anything else available to use?

5. Do they have a fridge to store food in?

6. Are there any restrictions on what they can or can't bring?
We train either 430 to 830 three weeknights and on weekends 12 to 430. The girls do not get breaks. I really wasn't even aware anybody did.
4-7pm 5 days a week. I think they only get a few minutes here and there to get water/drink. This summer when it was 21 hours a week on T and Th she trained 9-3 and they got 45 min for lunch. Fridge and microwave available.
4-8:30 generally. No breaks. I was not aware gyms gave a break to eat.
4-7 4days/wk, 8-12 on Saturdays. No breaks other than quick water breaks during which time they might pop something quick into their mouth like raisins, nuts or something. There no actual break room for them.
Because I work at the gym my DD frequently has to stay after her practice and she can go up to the coaches lounge and heat up dinner. A few of the families who drive a long way do this too so the gymnast can eat dinner in the car on the way home.
L3 group, ages 7 - 11, training 4-7 p.m. 3 days/week with a snack break at 6:00. Fridge and microwave are available. The break is probably good for the girls, but sometimes I wish they wouldn't take time out of their already low practice hours. I also wish the coaches would remind the girls to wash their hands before eating. My daughter never remembers on her own, even when I remind her at drop-off.
1. How long is your gymnast's training and what time of day?

Wed 330-630, Thur 330-730, Fri 430-730, Sun 2-6

2. How long is the break?

No break on 3 hour days, 15 min on 4 hour days ( the lesser hour pre comp groups get 15 min during 3 hour days )

3. When during training do they get the break? (If they train 5-9, break is at 6:30 for example)

Time varies but they try for 1/2 way through training

4. Do they have a microwave/kettle/toaster/anything else available to use?


5. Do they have a fridge to store food in?


6. Are there any restrictions on what they can or can't bring?
We are a nut free facility
1. How long is your gymnast's training and what time of day? 4.5 hours, 3:30 -8pm weekdays and 9-1:30 Sundays

2. How long is the break? 10 minutes

3. When during training do they get the break? (If they train 5-9, break is at 6:30 for example) varies daily

4. Do they have a microwave/kettle/toaster/anything else available to use? micro/kettle/fridge/toaster

5. Do they have a fridge to store food in? yes

6. Are there any restrictions on what they can or can't bring? gym is nut free
I stink at coming up with titles, lol.

I wanted to start this new thread off of the nutrition thread below.

It seems like all our gymnasts have different lengths of trying and the break times vary also. This is kind of a survey for my own curiosity and to see what differences are out there.

1. How long is your gymnast's training and what time of day? 5:30-8:30 three days a week, and 1-4 on Sunday

2. How long is the break? Generally around 5 minutes or so mid workout, free access to water (water comes with them out to the floor)

3. When during training do they get the break? (If they train 5-9, break is at 6:30 for example) Mid workout, no specific time

4. Do they have a microwave/kettle/toaster/anything else available to use? There is a microwave, also a huge industrial ice maker

5. Do they have a fridge to store food in? Yes, the team kids have their own room for their bags, shoes, and the fridge and icemaker.

6. Are there any restrictions on what they can or can't bring? Not that has ever been communicated. We have two girls with T1 Diabetes in her training group, and honestly I think our coaches pretty much stay out of the whole food conversation. Snacks are available to buy at the front desk, Z bars, chips, candy, trail mix. There's a Gatorade machine. Coaches have expressed for kids to eat a "balanced" meal the night before a meet. That's about the extent of the discussion.
5:30-8:30 3 days a week 12:30-3 sat no break times just lots of water breaks if they go over 3 hours they take food and have a 30 min break usually from 1:30 -4:30 break then start training again at 5 but to be honest if they are training during the day and are hungry at 3 they can eat then also they usually bring a packed lunch but we do have kettle toaster microwave and fridge they can use
4 hour sessions during the school year and no planned breaks except water (though they occasionally might pop a piece of a granola bar in their mouths between rotations).

Summer is 5 hour sessions and then they do get a quick 10 minute break - food must be "healthy". This basically means no candy, cookies, chips, or other obvious ones. I am sure if parent had a dietary issue HC would make an exception.

No fridge, no microwave. Junky snack and ice cream vending machines in lobby.
1. 4 hours in the evening (4:30-8:30), four times a week, and 5 hours in the morning (9-2) one weekend day

2. Evening is 10 minutes and morning is 30-45 minutes

3. Right around the middle of practice

4. No

5. No

6. No
I stink at coming up with titles, lol.

1. How long is your gymnast's training and what time of day? 4-8pm 3 days a week

2. How long is the break? They don't really get a break. I guess once or twice a practice, they get a minute or two off the floor to go to the bathroom or grab something quick. They carry water bottles with them. My dd doesn't want a snack during practice, so I stopped trying to pack one.

3. When during training do they get the break? (If they train 5-9, break is at 6:30 for example) Usually somewhere around half-way, so around 6:00.

4. Do they have a microwave/kettle/toaster/anything else available to use? No

5. Do they have a fridge to store food in? No

6. Are there any restrictions on what they can or can't bring? No nuts. They say no candy/junk food, but they don't really enforce it. The cubbies are behind the half wall, so the coaches can't really see what they are eating.
We get a 10 minute break to eat, middle of practice around 6:30. We also get water after every event.
Similar answers to everyone else during the week (no official break). On Saturday morning practice (7-noon), we do give a 9:30 am break (1o minutes). There is a fridge and microwave, but nobody ever asks to use it. We don't have food restrictions.
1. How long is your gymnast's training and what time of day?
3-4 Hours Depending on Level. Start time between 4-5pm & end time between 7-9pm

2. How long is the break?
10 Minutes

3. When during training do they get the break? (If they train 5-9, break is at 6:30 for example)
2 Hours in to practice.

4. Do they have a microwave/kettle/toaster/anything else available to use?
Microwave & Microwave Oven

5. Do they have a fridge to store food in?
Yes & Freezer

6. Are there any restrictions on what they can or can't bring?
No Soda. No colored drinks at all out on the gym floor, but they can consume colored drinks out in the lobby when they have snack. Parents do get occasional lists of what the coaching staff calls "healthy snack" which we encourage to be sent with athletes for snack. However, on occasion athletes will forget their snack and need to buy from our junky vending machine or a birthday will be celebrated during break with a treat.
5 hours 4 times a week on weekdays and 6 hours on Saturday =26 hours. On the weekdays there is sometimes a 10 minute break and the weekend there is a 20 minute lunch break. There is no fridge and no microwave. There is a snack bar that has healthy choices and it has a fridge and micro, but the girls don't use them. My daughter says there isn't enough time to go to the snack bar. My daughter eats a large snack on the way there and dinner in the car on the way home.
4-8:30 (4 weekdays) with no breaks. Saturday 4 hours no breaks. Girls will grab appropriate snack in between a rotation as needed (eating on the move).
my dd is level 4 age 7 trains everyday but Thursdays and Sundays 17 hours per week, no breaks for food, sometimes a very quick water sip. my dd doesn't like to drink at gym because they are not permitted to have bathroom breaks except for an emergency. I have been having dd bring water to school to stay hydrated throughout the day. when my dd was on pre-team they were able to have a snack on the days they attended longer than 3 hours, no food restrictions. it's interesting to read how every gym varies.
I stink at coming up with titles, lol.

I wanted to start this new thread off of the nutrition thread below.

It seems like all our gymnasts have different lengths of trying and the break times vary also. This is kind of a survey for my own curiosity and to see what differences are out there.

1. How long is your gymnast's training and what time of day?

2. How long is the break?

3. When during training do they get the break? (If they train 5-9, break is at 6:30 for example)

4. Do they have a microwave/kettle/toaster/anything else available to use?

5. Do they have a fridge to store food in?

6. Are there any restrictions on what they can or can't bring?

1. Training is Mon to Fri from 1-6.

2. Break is 15 minutes long.

3. Break is at about 3 pm but i think it is varying so groups go out at different times.

4. Microwave only.

5. No fridge apparently, but other gyms we were at did.

6. No nuts is really the only official restriction.

I have been reading answers and i am shocks that so many kids get no break at all, even when training 4 hours!

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