Well, I went by the gym yesterday to register DD6 for preteam (since DH doesn't have any issue with preteam). While I was in the office, one of the younger coaches approached me and said that she really hoped that my other daughter would accept the invitation to join team; she would be one of DD8's coaches if she does join (and has been one of the preteam coaches). When I told her that DH had some reservations, the coach had some great responses. She said she'd be happy to talk to DH if he wanted to call her or come in to the gym. He is going to go in on Friday to observe and will hopefully be able to talk to her - she was very sincere and persuasive. Meanwhile, DD6 was thrilled to learn that her Hot Shots coach (who she LOVES) will also be her primary preteam coach. I didn't expect that, and it is a very nice surprise. Crossing my fingers that DH is convinced on Friday. DD8 has already conveyed to him how much she wants to try it, and I think that has softened him up a little already!