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Oh no!! Several of DD's teammates of about the same age are also "emotionally sensitive" at the moment. Add the hormones/age and the fact that her first meet is looming, and Yikes!! Hang in there, Mom :)
Stress was my first thought Mary. But then as I read on in the thread it seemed like you had ruled it out.

My son (age 16) went through a very similar thing last year. He insisted that he was not experiencing stress and we went through all the medical tests. Nothing. I got "Rescue Remedy" and let him take a few of the tablets to school each day, telling him this would help with his stomach. And it did! I am not convinced it was anything more than a placebo effect, but, whatever!, it worked. Sometimes it is the "chillest" kids who exhibit this stomach pain upon stress; they internalize the angst instead of just wearing it on their sleeve. That was certainly the case for my son. He now calls the Rescue Remedy his "chill pills," but hardly ever takes them anymore.

Rescue Remedy is available at health food stores, pharmacies and some grocery stores.

Good luck with your DD!
My DD does this once or twice a year and it drive me insane. We have done all of the Dr's visits, MRI, Ultrasound and bloodwork. Keep in mind my DD is 10 and far cry from anything PMS related but I start by giving her some acid reducer and then turn to yougurt with probiotics. After about two days she is good and running with no pain again.
I was leaning towards stress too. I hate this time of year. Just before meet season starts. They are all a bundle of nerves and fears. Maybe now that she is talking about it, she will be able to manage it better. Best of luck!
Like I had said before this sounds so familiar to my oldest DD right when puberty was just beginning (about to begin). She is not a gymnast but very much into soccer. During the time when all of these things were going on she missed a lot of practices & therefore game time. After it all bellowed out (as mentioned b4). She got right back out there & made starting team. It was nice to have her home with me during that time (instead of on the field). We had a good mother/ daughter bonding time. If this is what your DD is going through sometimes they just need to be w/ there mom.
It is a hard time of the year, with school in full swing, meet season starting up, and the added pressure for your DD of starting optionals. I know she's also ran into her first fear issues too and that is probably not helping. At least you have an idea now where it might be coming from.

Maybe now that she's had a bit of a release she'll start to feel better. Sometimes it takes a good cry to get it out of our system and move on.
Just wanted to give another endorsement for rescue remedy. I use the drops and they are great for stress. I put them in the fellows water bottle or on her tongue when she is worry about something. I also have both of us take them on meet mornings and it works wonders to keep the pre-meet prep calm and stress free.

When my father died I had a lot of anxiety and I swear this stuff is the only thing that got me though the day some days.

I have been thinking about you and Kathy a lot this last week. I hope she gets through this soon. The crying and melt down was probaly a good thing in the end. It brought it all out into the light so you can help her now and gave her a physical release, which may really help. My thoughts are with you. Take care.
Ugh, so not fun! I know you'll be a good support for her though. I feel your pain -- DD did an HOUR LONG freakout with tears and everything last night because she can't keep her legs straight on her giants and her coach has been pushing her on this. It then took her another 2 hours to settle down to the point where she could go to sleep.

I was like, "girlfriend, do you remember after states when we were sure you were repeating L6? Do you remember when we got the news that you'd move up but you'd probably not be ready for bars at the first meet? Do you remember three weeks ago when you were not able to make a giant at all? Do you remember YESTERDAY when you were all excited because you finally started getting consistent with your kip-cast-handstands? Can't you just be happy about all the progress you've made?" Nope. Not a chance.

All good and positive and happy thoughts for your girl -- and for you, mama!
Still sending healing thoughts Mary. I agree with everyone that it is most likely a combination of stress, a bug and hormones. I still feel "Blech" a few days before that time. Bad enough to wish I could go home from work, not bad enough to actually go. I hope things are getting better each day.
I can't thank you all enough for your kind words and support!

Things were better yesterday. She was in a good mood when I picked her up, and when I asked her what the highlight of her day was, the answer was "gymnastics!" Then she came home and did handstands in the living room and talked about how a coach told the optionals that she had the best handstand form out of any of them and had her come up and demonstrate (hats off to a great coach who is trying to make my kid realize that she is not a "bad" gymnast because she doesn't have her giants or BHS on high beam yet). She said her stomach still hurt, but HC told me that, now that they are pretty sure it's not actually an "illness" (though I know her symptoms are no less real) they are pushing her a little bit more. Pretty much, if her stress is tied (at least in part) to not having certain skills, sitting out on practicing those skills is not going to help in the long run. Coaching staff has been great through all of this.

And, of course, so have you guys!

I will have to stop at the health food store and see if I can find "rescue remedy." I'm not sure who needs it more... her or me! ;)
Aaaarg!!!! And now she's hurt! Much better practice today until 10 minutes before the end when she peeled off the low bar doing a "roundy-round." Sounds like she hit with her shoulders first and then her neck snapped back. Full range of motion and no sign of concussion, but no pain killer that might mask the symptoms of a concussion for 24 hours and her neck is SORE. If it's still as sore in the AM, I'm going to take her to the dr. just to set my mind at ease. I think she may be going to her first level 7 meet as a cheer-leader only. Maybe I'll have to buy her one of those giant hair bows.

I did buy some "rescue remedy." And some Baileys...:gloomy:
OH NO!!! Poor K!! Virtual hugs for her and you. Man, this just stinks, doesn't it?? Well, M and I are cheering for her. Hope she recovers from all of it soon...and thank goodness she wasn't hurt worse!! I'm sorry she might not make her first optional meet, but my mantra is...there's always another meet...

Baileys sounds good :D
Oh Mary! I am so sorry to read about what K has been going through! I am sure the last thing she needed a bad fall :( We have been there and it is no fun! Try to hang in there...I hope she is ok and that her tummy troubles go away!
Oh Mary I am so sorry! :(
Hopefully her neck will feel better soon...DD hurt her neck a couple weeks ago doing a wonky clear hip and it just took about 3-4 days to feel better. I just think all the anticipation of first meets really takes a toll on the girls at the beginning of the season. It's always so much better when they get that first one over with!
Neck X-ray normal. Thank goodness. Got nervous when dr ordered them and got more nervous when he told the nurse to find a radiologist to read them "stat." "Stat" sounded ominous. Dr says it's just a sprain... Ibuprophen, ice, and let her level of pain determine her level of activity. Sigh of releif. Now... where's that Baileys...
so glad to hear she's not seriously need some good news now!!!! :)
That's tough on top of everything else, but it's good news that she's going to be fine.
Neck X-ray normal. Thank goodness. Got nervous when dr ordered them and got more nervous when he told the nurse to find a radiologist to read them "stat." "Stat" sounded ominous. Dr says it's just a sprain... Ibuprophen, ice, and let her level of pain determine her level of activity. Sigh of releif. Now... where's that Baileys...

Glad she's okay! And it's highly annoying when Dr's say things before thinking. One of my worst memories is of a Dr. yelling to a nurse to get a NICU team "STAT" when my DD was born. Scared me half to death and she was fine.
Glad that everything showed up normal on the x-ray! Some doctors really just don't think before they open their mouths, I'm sorry he scared you like that. Hopefully K will be back in tip top shape in no time. :)
Argh! Poor kid, that must've been so scary. Glad that it's just a sprain!

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