Please......please point out to me where in my post I call another young child a name and say she shouldn't be on the team or in the class with my child because of how much better she is than the other child? In fact, I believe I implied the opposite is true....that Bella is one of the weaker gymmies on her team.
It was not said that you had called another child a name, but you pulled the original poster up for bragging about her child to put another down, then went on to post..
People have made snide comments about how much better it is for gymmies not to skip levels like my child did because it makes them better gymnasts and they do this within my earshot. Yes, my kid can use a lot of polishing and she is more immature than the kids who are at least 2 years older than her on the team. But my little 8YO is also the ONLY one on her team training giants, the only one on her team who has landed the BHS on beam, etc.
So please, be very careful before you get full of yourself about how good your child is and how bratty another child is. Your kid probably won't always be the best and sometimes those little brats have something special that their coach can see. Just another viewpoint.....
This is not saying or implying that your child is the weakest in her team... more that she is special and superior and that others make snide comments about her because of it.
Everyone's child is special.