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A lot of people do respect the sport but teenage boys and pre-teen boys can be a little dumb and rude to be honest. I think it is first of all rude to use gay in a negative connotation because gay isn't a bad thing. I think it is disrespectful to gay people as well as the sport.

Someone else posted something on that subject too how ironic!
good one

There's a guy at my gym who's like 24, competing the Canadian version of level 10, and has been doing gymnastics since he was a little kid, and he says that whenever people would question him doing gymnastics because he's a guy he just says that "chicks dig flips".

that is a good one! I also like the one that someone said and was worried about being to vague ;) it's on the post so check it out it's funny :)
well, at my gym we have this group of cheerleader that come in and take the floor on wednesday nights and they think that everything is all about them. so they come in and say things like why are they here this gym is just for the cheerleaders and stuff like that. then they will say that gymnastics was baced off of cheerleading. then we asked them is cheerleading is in the olympics. they said that we werent even doing anything why we are there and they thing that we are there for like an hour and we are there for like 4. well i would write more but i have to go!!!!
And people wonder why many gymnasts have negative opinions of cheerleaders....ugh.
I actually think it's really interesting. Sure, sometimes the form leaves something to be desired, but the things some of the guys do are amazing! And I love watching stunts. Especially ones that would be illegal in HS. Our squad was guilty of doing a few illegal HS stunts, but I was the only one who did them, and it wasn't all the time.
I hate that too. What i would say to him is..."Well I want to see you train _ hours a week and doing these kinds of flips without hurting yourself. "

Either that or just ignore it they dont understand they thinks it's stupid you don't so just remember they aren't the ones that (possibly) are going to the olympics.:)

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