UK Competition weekend..

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I'm glad you said that level 5's are not allowed somis because some of the posts on here talk about level 5 girls doing giants on bars, somis on floor etc and I know that our girls aren't - whether in age or out of age.

I wasnt aware of this for voluntary level 5s. In our region girls can pretty much do what there capable of. So they would be allowed to do twists on floor, giants on bars and flicks on beam. I think its good that they are not restricted because then they are more prepared for compulsory level 4
Ok, so I managed to find this: Link Removed but can anyone please translate it into plain English?
I wasnt aware of this for voluntary level 5s. In our region girls can pretty much do what there capable of. So they would be allowed to do twists on floor, giants on bars and flicks on beam. I think its good that they are not restricted because then they are more prepared for compulsory level 4

I do sort of agree. For elite track kids.

But- all our rules are the same across all ages/elite/non elite. So you'll get your elite track level 5 in age competing all these moves against a child from a gym run in a church hall who can only do a backward roll on beam, a flatback vault and just about BHS on floor.

Out of age too you get such a wide range of standard- some are competing level 5 out of age when clearly they could do level 4, or even 3, and let the kids with the basic skills compete on a more level playing field.

Lily's mum, if you google Rebekah Bell I think her level 4 videos are still up- but those are the current rules so I don't think the routines are the same. Also google the range and conditioning routines- that pretty much differentiates between elite track or not.

ETA: There are some videos from a recent heathrow regional comp- this kid is apparently level 5 in age this year, so will do compulsory 4 next year. I think those are likely her level 4 routines for next age 7 beam heathrow and you should find the channel.
Having a child who's birthday only just misses the cut off point maybe gives me a different point of view. DD will always compete out of age, but had I kept my legs crossed a tiny bit longer would be in age. Under every system there will always be that cut off point, but I think she should compete to exactly the same rules and standards, just in a different age category.

She is missing regionals because here they only compete 'in age' at level 5 - due to the large numbers of gymnasts I presume. However, when she makes it to level 4, she wants to be able to compete the same level and skills as her friends who are only a month younger. I thought that was the idea of the the new changes so that you could progress at your own pace to the end goal. She will be in a higher age category but she is no less committed or talented simply because of where her birthday falls. And to mark her with more ease or more harshly would not be fair.

Looking from the other side, with kids who are too young to compete at a higher level, then I understand it would be frustrating for them to be limited in what they do. However, I think that if they were limited to certain skills for level 5 then they could focus on perfecting them (which the elite girls will do) and be uptraining madly in practice so that they will be the girls that are easily ready for level 4. This is when the church hall girls find it too much of a jump and will end up competing out of age. But I bet they still want to compete :-)
The cut off is a bummer, but is in all sports. Big Boy's birthday is 20th August, poor lad is the youngest in school/rugby/cricket etc etc as all team sports use the academic year.

I thought I had done well with Pink and Fluffy as she is late November, but no - she chooses about the ONLY sport that uses the calendar year !

Someone will always loose out - still it all evens out by the time they are in the open age group.
Yes, I think that's my point. I think all age groups should have the same criteria so that they are all working towards the same goal when they all compete together.

Although most of this is academic anyway for DD. She'll realistically get further behind as she gets to level 4 and has no facilities to up her hours. She's not on a high level track anyway, but it is nice to know that at local meets she would be on a level playing field.
if you google Rebekah Bell I think her level 4 videos are still up- but those are the current rules so I don't think the routines are the same.

I've found Rebekah's videos, but she won that years national final and was thus exceptionally good. My point was to try to work out what a non exceptional "pass" might look like. Can you pass level 4 using simpler skills?
I've found Rebekah's videos, but she won that years national final and was thus exceptionally good. My point was to try to work out what a non exceptional "pass" might look like. Can you pass level 4 using simpler skills?

Are you talking about compulsory level 4 or voluntary level 4. I dont think there is a pass mark for voluntaries its just the top scoring 4 go to nationals. The skills for compulsories are set skills where every1 has to do the same skills.
Compulsory level 4. I hadn't appreciated that they all did exactly the same skills for this. I couldn't find a link to those skills on the BG website. What are the skills? I assume there is a pass mark?

This system drives me nuts. I'm sure they deliberately make it complicated just to annoy beginners at the sport! Why can't they publish a guide which spells it all out nice and pass level X you need to be able to do X,Y and Z....but for extra points you can do A,B and C....but I you do F,G,H you'll lose points. Everything I've been able to find contains phrases that beginners find impossible to decipher....e.g acro element with flight, use codes I don't understand E.g. CR, DV and refer to the FIG code of points instead of just saying how much each element is worth. It's a bit like asking a kid to sit a GCSE without making it clear what they'll be tested on. All the secrecy is infuriating.

All I want to do is figure out roughly how far "out of age" my DD is. Please don't say speak to the coach as for a variety of reasons I won't bore you with....they are seriously busy at the minute and I don't want to hassle them right now.
Ok ive tried to put the link in but i cant seem to do it. You need to go on bg website, then the technical section, then discipline specific updates, then womens artistic. Then its the WAG compulsory elite grades provisional 2014 - 17 download. That tells you all the skills needed for compulsory level 4 and the other levels. Hope that helps
Compulsory level 4. I hadn't appreciated that they all did exactly the same skills for this. I couldn't find a link to those skills on the BG website. What are the skills? I assume there is a pass mark?

This system drives me nuts. I'm sure they deliberately make it complicated just to annoy beginners at the sport! Why can't they publish a guide which spells it all out nice and pass level X you need to be able to do X,Y and Z....but for extra points you can do A,B and C....but I you do F,G,H you'll lose points. Everything I've been able to find contains phrases that beginners find impossible to decipher....e.g acro element with flight, use codes I don't understand E.g. CR, DV and refer to the FIG code of points instead of just saying how much each element is worth. It's a bit like asking a kid to sit a GCSE without making it clear what they'll be tested on. All the secrecy is infuriating.

All I want to do is figure out roughly how far "out of age" my DD is. Please don't say speak to the coach as for a variety of reasons I won't bore you with....they are seriously busy at the minute and I don't want to hassle them right now.

The easiest way for you to see the skills for compulsory 4 would usually be to watch one of the many videos on YouTube but unfortunately this year the skill set has changed and videos won't appear until after regional grades in March.

However you need to look at compulsory 3 anyway as your dd turns 10 next year I think? It is worth watching the videos from last year but bear in mind the skills are more difficult next year.

It is worth bearing in mind that from the age of 10 girls can enter any club or national grade from 14 to 5 so the phrase in and out of age no longer applies really.
The cut off is a bummer, but is in all sports. Big Boy's birthday is 20th August, poor lad is the youngest in school/rugby/cricket etc etc as all team sports use the academic year.

I thought I had done well with Pink and Fluffy as she is late November, but no - she chooses about the ONLY sport that uses the calendar year !

Someone will always loose out - still it all evens out by the time they are in the open age group.

Haha snap ! I was really smug to have an autumn baby as she sailed into school mature and ready to learn but then she turned out to be the gymnast! Too funny
On my phone now and not sure how to quote yet, but with reference to flossy duck's paragraph which said 'in age is what it is...'

Out of age is also for those who started late or perhaps don't train as many hours. I know ours do out of age on 9 hours per week and do fairly well, up to level 2. After that it is definitely harder, but this could explain the difference in skill level.

One of our level 2 ooa gymnasts competing this weekend is only just ooa, December bday, so we've always trained her as if in age because she is very talented, she just started late! She has every requirement except flight from low to high bar.

The rest of the level 2's are pretty much still competing floor, beam and bar routines that resemble level 4 in age gymnasts routines. No giants, only a full twist on floor, no somersaulting vaults. They will probably not 'pass' but they will go out and show neat routines which shouldn't get too hammered by the judges, they'll just have low start values! They can then repeat level 2 next year and hopefully show a better skill level. They just seem to take longer to achieve their skills for whatever reason, mainly fears, growth spurts etc!
Lilysmum the pass mark this year for compulsory level 4 was 47.50 with a min 9.5 for range and conditioning
Weirdly a few odd regions have a pass ( or move up score ) for vols. Most don't . I think it would be really helpful if BG set both the in age and out of age rules nationally for all grades including comp 5 and also for all voluntary rules including lower levels which can go down to level 7 or more. This should include set age groupings, set the medals awarded, and set any move up scores.

Having novice in one area and level 7 in another is a nonsense . To me novice sounds such an old fashioned term. Like something out of the 50s. Numbered levels makes so much more sense, is more sleek and is easier for parents to understand. Definitely the way forwards.
We are one of those odd regions with a vol pass mark!
I don't mind either way but I think they should be all the same .

How do you find it works Marie? Good or bad?
However you need to look at compulsory 3 anyway as your dd turns 10 next year I think? It is worth watching the videos from last year but bear in mind the skills are more difficult next year.

You're right Jenny. I figured by looking at what level 4 requires, I could work out whether she's anywhere close to it...and thus perhaps able to reach level 3 later in 2014 or by 2015 (one year out of age).
We are one of those odd regions with a vol pass mark!

Im wondering how that works. Do they need to pass to carry on to the next compulsory level. What happens if they dont pass
It's got its good and bad points, sometimes a gymnast may 'pass' their current level when they aren't really ready to move on to next level (even though the next level is a year away you can usually tell!) however they have no choice but to move on, which usually results in them having to skip a year of competing vols.

On the plus side gymnasts who are clearly ready for the next level have to move on and can't be held back for medals!

What it has resulted in us doing is not entering a gymnast for level 5 unless we know they have some of their level 4 skills already and so on through the levels, so that of they do pass they haven't got such a big jump. We also have a county qualifier which they must score a certain mark in to be entered into the regional comp.

If they don't 'pass' it doesn't matter, they can either re do the level again next year or move up at they coaches discretion!

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