UK Competition weekend..

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well we skipped school today ( bad mummy) and both her and I went back to bed till 11.30. Then we sat down and looked through the rules. I found 3 whole points of bonuses on beam that she could not have got as they are moves she doesn't have/ were not in her routine.

And I explained about cast to handstand to her on bars.

Her floor was good apart from a step on both her somersault landings so if we added in those deductions she goes from near the bottom of the pack to near the top.

Her vault was not as good as normal and we could see where it went wrong so (hopefully) she understands it wasn't that she wasn't good enough, she was competing above her level. She seems happier today and has told me I have to explain this to her friends mum too to make her friend feel better.

I told her we shall rock it next year ;)
I would have kept dd off school too and spent a day chilling. I think that makes you a good mummy, not a bad one :)
well we chilled till about 1/2 an hour ago and then bad mummy kicked in and she is doing her English homework
We did enjoy seeing Lizzie Beddoe compete in the FIG section, who alternated with us. Nice to see her comming back from injury
I always loved watching Lizzie Beddoe, she is such a nice gymnast.
It was a pleasant surprise to see her on the photos.
Well done to P & F as I say often to my DD just to be allowed to compete at these comps is a massive achievement in itself.

I too wish there was more structure in the voluntaries.
And this weekend is the big one! I think all regions have their voluntaries. Good luck to everyone taking part. Calm pills to everyone watching!

How is she looking Flossy? I bet she is really excited.
I agree it must be so fun going into this first big comp weekend. Routines ready, leos all fresh and hair waiting to be done. Sometimes I miss those days.
Good luck everyone for regionals this weekend. We have 10 girls doing levels 4,3 and 2 from our club so fingers crossed they'll all do well!

I totally agree with level 5 needing to be standardised. Pretty much every region competes it so why not have the same rules?!

I think as well as standardising the rules I think there need to be separate rules for 'in age' elite track girls than out of age club level girls!
Ooh yes, dd is pretty excited now :)

We went to watch a competition at the weekend and she looked distracted, kept sighing and fidgeting. I asked if she wanted to go "no!" I asked if she was ok, she said "yes and no. I am, but I reeeally want to be down there with them so much. I can't wait until it's my turn" I told her I would remind her of that when it is her turn...

They've had a control comp and it went really well. She doesn't have the giant bonus and will get a deduction for a couple of other skills missing but she was solid and polished on everything she did and no falls. She was the only one to have no falls at all. I thought she looked great. Coach seemed very pleased and said she'd be very happy if dd did everything as well as that - yay! She was really pumped when she came out.

One thing I know about my dd is that she's impressive under pressure. I, on the other hand, am completely useless, hate every minute. Watching the control comp reminded me and now I am nervous already and having to hide it. DD's first competition I had to put my head between my knees, I thought I was going to faint. Trying to keep myself calm. DD cool as a cucumber...

I realise that I've been confusing myself by chatting to mums whose dd's are doing level 4 out of age as well as those doing it in age, so it was an interesting point you raised Marie. There's quite a lot of difference between the routines the out of age girls are doing and the in age girls and the skills they are including. I'm not sure how that works?!
So Flossy, when is it going to be your daughter's turn? It sounds like she wants to get out there! Is she competing soon? (I know you don't have as many competitions there as here in the US, but you must have a few, right?)
I realise that I've been confusing myself by chatting to mums whose dd's are doing level 4 out of age as well as those doing it in age, so it was an interesting point you raised Marie. There's quite a lot of difference between the routines the out of age girls are doing and the in age girls and the skills they are including. I'm not sure how that works?!

I've always been under the impression that 'in age' levels are aimed at the elite track gymnasts.
In our region at least, the gymnasts who make national final at Voluntary 4, competed compulsory 4 too, usually making the national final for that.

Therefore the 'in age' voluntaries usually expect more difficult skills than out of age as technically out of age gymnasts are not on the elite track
(except we all know it really doesn't matter what you compete and when in the long run!)

I don't know what happens in other regions but in ours the voluntary level 5 rules are across the board - regardless of in or out of age, the gymnasts are expected to show the same skills/requirements.

Last year in this region it was evident that a lot of the in age 5 gymnasts were working towards the elite track and were pretty much ready for compulsory 4 already. They were showing straddle press to handstand mounts, flicks and cartwheel tuck back dismounts on beam - there are more restrictions on other apparatus but they were head and shoulders above the rest of the gymnasts in the 'in age' category who had the basic requirements - backward walkover, cartwheel or forward roll and roundoff dismount!

It's great to see the progress in the region but at the same time the 'club' level gymnasts really did seem at a disadvantage. I just feel that if there were separate rules for 'in age' gymnasts which were more in line with the skills required for voluntary 4 it would be more fair. It would also be more progressive as a lot of gymnasts struggle with the jump from in age 5 - in age 4

We had one girl who passed level 5 easily last year and this year is having to miss level 4 as she is just not ready - she's gone from not being allowed to somersault on floor at level 5 to having to show an acro line with 2 somersaults and at least one other acro line on floor, no required flight element on beam to an acro series with flight and so on - its too much in 1 year!

Getting off my soap box now!!
In age is aimed at elite track, I do understand that, although in our region we certainly get a few girls who didn't do compulsory 4, or 5 compete in the voluntary.

What surprises me is the difference in the routines for the in age and out of age gymnasts. I'm told that the marking is easier for 'out of age' and the skill level seems to be lower on the whole. I don't really understand that, as it seems to make better sense to have standardised rules and have the girls enter when they are ready. In age is what it is, out of age should be of similar skill level but given more time to achieve it no? The difference between the in age and out of age level 4's at the control comp was pretty big. Bigger than I expected. The out of age level 4's looked closer to the level 5's than the level 3's and the in age were closer to level 3. That just seems odd.

I'm glad you said that level 5's are not allowed somis because some of the posts on here talk about level 5 girls doing giants on bars, somis on floor etc and I know that our girls aren't - whether in age or out of age. I've just checked the level 5 rules and those skills are not allowed at voluntary 5 in our region either.

Level 5 in our region is quite basic really and level 4 is quite a big jump. Much bigger than 4 to 3. For that reason our club rarely bothers with grade 14, whichever track the girls are on. They do level 5 and then separate them out to do grades or compulsories after that. Usually. Although the situation is 'fluid' as we are always being told, lol!

It seems just as messy with the changes :confused:

It's going to be a hectic weekend. I think there are about 10 from our club across the levels 'in age' and maybe six or so 'out of age' across 4 and 3. Half nervous, half excited.
Ok, you all know how green I am right? Am I correct in thinking that level 5 is set regionally, whereas level 4 is set nationally?

Can someone also tell me what the minimum "pass" level 4 routine would include? I can't seem to find any details on the BG website. I have watched some level 5 routines on youtube and thought - she can do that (I think) but then some level 4 routines I've watched seem really difficult. Following on from what you've said above....I'm wondering if the routines I've seen are actually closer to level 3 ( thus way above a "pass"). It's possibly academic for DD because BG have said level 4 has to be taken aged 9 (which was this year), so I think she might possibly not do any compulsory levels until the year she turns 10 (i appreciate grade 3 in Feb is highly optimistic) or 11 (out of age).

Are there cross over points between club grades and compulsory levels? If so, what club grade is roughly level 4 and 3?
You can find all the compulsory level info and voluntary rules on the BG website. You need to click on technical information then go to discipline specific updates under woman's artistic.hope this helps and you are right that level 5 is set regionally n level 4 nationally so is the same wherever you are.

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