WAG Uneven Bar Grip Question

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Proud Parent
Sep 18, 2012
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Hi! I have a question about using grips on uneven bars. So, I am an optional gymnast who, at the moment, doesn't wear grips on bars. At my old gym, grips became a requirement when moving level 5 to level 6. I tried to use them at that point. I had a good quality grips, but I COULD NOT get used to them!!!!:mad: I was a good bar gymnast and had all level 6 skills, freehip hs, and with grips I lost EVERYTHING, even a pushaway kip. My coach made me wear them for 2 months, no improvement, When I stopped using grips, I got all of my skills back in 2 days and was very good at level 6. Now, I have giants, also with no grips, and a ton of other bar skills, and my grip is never a problem. My hands aren't really big, size 1 grip. However, all of my grip-wearing teammates, and even my coach, find it a little strange that I have no trouble with bars, especially giants, with no grips. My only bar-problem is that when I do tap swings, ( which are way above the bar's height) I feel like I will peel off in my front swing b/c my wrist starts to shift over. So, what do you think, should I start wearing grips now? Do all gymnasts need grips eventually? Or will I be alright without them? Thank you SOOO much, and I'm sorry its so long.
There are plenty of high level gymnasts (past and present) who don't wear grips - especially in other countries. If you feel comfortable as you are doing now, then stick with it. You can always work with your grips on the side. a few minutes each practice until you get comfortable. DD did this with her new grips. She only wore them for a few warm up skills for several months and used her old grips during primary training. Eventually, she became comfortable enough to use the new grips for more skills. She also had the coach spot any "new" skills with the new grips.

It really is up to you and how you feel. You may also want to try to make grips yourself to see if that helps with the transition. I believe the Russians and Romanians use self-made grips.
As far as feeling like you're going to peel in the front of a taps wing - I think a lot of optionals feel that way. Once your tap swing gets bigger and higher, it's harder to hold on, even with grips. I have always had trouble holding on once I get to tap swing #3 or #5...luckily I have no problems with giants or other bars skills.
Thank you so much for he advice! I like the idea of working with grips for a few minutes each practice, i might try that. it's also nice to know that it's not unusual to feel like I am going to peel off. Oh, and about the region 6, my family and I are from russia, but now live in the U.S, region 6.
My family and I are from Russia, but now live in Region 6 of the U.S.

Most people reading your post would have understood this - dunno was just being playful, though a bit of advice would have been helpful as well, dunno, considering your coaching experience...:cool:
Hee Hee!:) I just read dunno's post again and started laughing hysterically, strange how a joke can be funny the second time.. I have no idea why it posted my second sentence twice; mysterious creatures, computers are.
I have heard that in some parts of Europe, gymnasts wrap their hands with muslin strips.
if the hands can handle it then there is nothing wrong with bare hands. usually, things like weight and skills will affect whether something goes on the hands or not.:)
Weight, really? I understand that a gymnasts shoulders have to hold 9 times the gymnasts body weight at certain points in a giant, but other than that, totally new idea to me....It it that after you hit a certain weight , grips are more helpful? Or something else?
Grips effectively make your hand longer making your grip stronger. Important when you have to deal with 9G's.

But if you are smaller and monkey strong it's less of an issue.

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