Parents Update on my Girls now that cheering is over!

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Proud Parent
First off, we FINALLY had our cheering competition this weekend. I might have posted before that both of my dd's were on our town competition team, since their gymnastics "season" was not going to start till Jan. I ran around like a lunatic for the past 3 months pulling them out early or bringing them late, to gym, so they could also attend the cheer practices.

Well it all paid off as my oldest DD's cheering squad (B - 5th and 6th graders) took FIRST PLACE for cheer & pom. They were besides themselves! My Little Monkey's squad (C squad - ten 3rd and 4th graders, most of them new to cheering) took 2nd place in Cheer and 3rd in Pom. They went home with trophies and were so excited as you rarely get a trophy for gymnastics, lol.

So Monday, we immediately went full force back to gymnastics. DD#1 had her choreography session for her new Level 8 floor routine. This new coach actually worked with DD for 3 hrs to get DD's input into her routine - using the skills that DD wanted to put in. In the past, routines were made & taught to her, without her input. This was followed by a usual 3 hr practice. She was so excited about working on the new floor routine! She's still struggling with bars, but working hard to perfect the handstand pirouette & her "ugly" giants. Her problem is definitely her cast handstand, one of the other coaches is going to have her do extra conditioning. Her beam coach is very positive about her routine. Little Monkey is excited and counting down the weeks to her first meet (Jan 11). She is repeating Level 5 so she's learning level 6 skills & just practicing/refining her L5 routines.
SOunds as though they had a greaty cheer season and that their gym is doing everything it can to make sure they also have a great gym season. Aren't they lucky girls???

Thanks for the update, it's always nice to catch up.
Way to go to both girls cheer teams:)
Yeah on being back in the gym too:)
Your girls are going to do great I am sure:)
Emily and little monkey will both be rocking 5s this year:)
I am thinking we are the only 2 level 5s on this board this year:)
Good to have a little company:)
That is awesome! It sounds like they had a lot of fun!

That is really great that the choreographer took your DDs input for floor routine. You would think that would be a given, but I guess not. You work so hard to get to optionals, you should get some say.

I am sure little monkey will do awesome this year!

Thanks for the update!
Congratulations to both girls on successful cheer seasons!

Now, it's full steam ahead for gymnastics... Sounds great about dd1 with her new routine. Those meets will be starting real soon. ;)

Good luck to both girls with their upcoming gym seasons....
Sounds like cheer went great. I am so glad to hear that.:eek: I can relate to the ugly giants ;)my DD is doing a 2nd year of Level 7 and is still stuggling with her giant. Her coach swears she WILL compete her giant this year. Ugh!! she still has not done it in a full bar routine. We compete in January first meet at the Gopher Invite. So cross your fingers everyone. I may need to leave druing bars. All else looks good I am very greatful for only one big struggle.
I'm glad they had fun and did well with their cheer teams.

I'm sure dd1's bars will shape up in no time - and remember - 'ugly' giants are better than no giants, right??? DD2 will definitely have fun with a second year of 5 - it will be the best of both worlds- doing great in meets and working fun skills in between.

I hope they both have a great season :)
Well it all paid off as my oldest DD's cheering squad (B - 5th and 6th graders) took FIRST PLACE for cheer & pom. They were besides themselves! My Little Monkey's squad (C squad - ten 3rd and 4th graders, most of them new to cheering) took 2nd place in Cheer and 3rd in Pom. They went home with trophies and were so excited as you rarely get a trophy for gymnastics.

Hooo RAH!!

That's so cool they were able to do both. So high-five to you too mom!! I know my wife nor I could sustain TWO sports with the same child. No chance.
Wahoooo! Congrats to both of your dd's & their cheer teams... Now looking forward to hearing how meet season goes :D
Wow! This is awesome! How wonderful for your girls! And congratulations to you too!

Congrats are always in order to everyone in a family who can successfully juggle life with more than one competitive sport - especially sports like gymnastics and cheerleading!

Way to go you guys!!! :highfive:
I'm sure dd1's bars will shape up in no time - and remember - 'ugly' giants are better than no giants, right???

That's what I keep telling her, because she gets so down on herself. There's a teammate that won't even do them. I keep saying at least you're doing them and they will get better the more you practice!
Congrats to you girls succesful cheer season! I am sure your dd's giants will start improving now that she can spend more time .I am sure your glad the cheer is over I am not sure how you handled having 2 in comp. cheer and gym ,maybe now you can relax a little.
Wow you have been a busy Mom. Did you get a Spa Day? You should!

So glad your dd's had fun w/ cheer and did so well. How lucky that they can do both sports.

Hope they have a great season! Sounds like they are both pumped! :D

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