Parents USAG and HS girls gymnastics

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There is actually a gym in my area that has gone against the grain and decided to embrace high school gymnastics, while most others have not (with many flat out prohibiting high school gym). Not surprisingly, this gym attracts quite a few girls in high school. It offers a high school only program that allows the high school gymnasts to train during the off-season, as well as a joint USAG/high school program where the gymnasts do both (this works because the high school gymnastics season is shorter than the USAG season, so gymnasts can compete for their high school and still have time to do a couple of USAG meets, qualify for state/regionals etc.). From a business perspective, it's pretty smart. And it also keeps a certain type of gymnast in the sport longer. My DD might still be doing gymnastics if high school gym was an option for her....
Our HS works with our girls club schedule. We have girls from a couple of different clubs but they pretty much attend the the same meets. So they asked for the girls schedules to avoid conflicts. the season wasn’t conflict free for all but nobody lost a USAG qualifying option. Their club gyms have been cooperative as well regarding practices.

HS is a short competitive season. Meets started the second week of Jan, finished the middle of Feb with Sectionals. Most meets are during the week. We are headed to HS States this weekend. JO states in 2 weeks.

My kid missed some club practices because she was at HS practice/meets and vice versa. But she wasn’t missing ”gym”. Now her lacrosse coach is anxiously waiting for her to get to workouts (Spring sports don’t technically start until mid March, after winter sports States wrap up). But that’s a whole other thing.
There is actually a gym in my area that has gone against the grain and decided to embrace high school gymnastics, while most others have not (with many flat out prohibiting high school gym). Not surprisingly, this gym attracts quite a few girls in high school. It offers a high school only program that allows the high school gymnasts to train during the off-season, as well as a joint USAG/high school program where the gymnasts do both (this works because the high school gymnastics season is shorter than the USAG season, so gymnasts can compete for their high school and still have time to do a couple of USAG meets, qualify for state/regionals etc.). From a business perspective, it's pretty smart. And it also keeps a certain type of gymnast in the sport longer. My DD might still be doing gymnastics if high school gym was an option for her....
We have a new school in our section and their clubs are completely open to it. Parents did a lot of advocating to the schools and speaking with the clubs to get it to work. Took about 3 yrs, but some of that was related to the Covid

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