My DD just started training for Level 8 this week.
She has been doing tsuk for her vault entry (right when she started optionals), while the rest of the girls mostly do yurchenko.
Since this week, they'be been asked to do yurchenko, and given yurchenko drills. And she is getting frustrated because she really want to work on her tsuk and vaulting. (Flipping, on a mat, pretty much).
Are the drills for yurchenko the same for tsuk? Will it hurt her eventually if she keeps on pushing her self to work on yurchenkos?
This the the first year for their batch that 2 of them moved to Level 8. The rest of the girls are in Level 7 (their 3rd yr).
I am not sure if this is the reason why they rarely do tsuk, because 90% of the girls do yurchenko. It is but as if she is the only one who wants tsuk.
Its been tears after tears of frustration this whole week everytime she goes home. I have been giving her my hug, support and listening ears. I dont know what to tell her anymore. I told her she shud talk to her coaches about where she wanna be this summer and before comp starts. I also gave her an option to ask permission if she can get private class from somewhere. (Her gym dont do privates, theres someone else who offers it but more conditioning that skill and apparatus training, and fhe schedule doesnt fit hers.
I am not sure if theres other options.
She refuse to move gyms.
This is their highest level so far.
It is their first year to have Level 8 with 2 girls. The other girl foes yurchenko.

Any advise wud be much appreciated.
She has been doing tsuk for her vault entry (right when she started optionals), while the rest of the girls mostly do yurchenko.
Since this week, they'be been asked to do yurchenko, and given yurchenko drills. And she is getting frustrated because she really want to work on her tsuk and vaulting. (Flipping, on a mat, pretty much).
Are the drills for yurchenko the same for tsuk? Will it hurt her eventually if she keeps on pushing her self to work on yurchenkos?
This the the first year for their batch that 2 of them moved to Level 8. The rest of the girls are in Level 7 (their 3rd yr).
I am not sure if this is the reason why they rarely do tsuk, because 90% of the girls do yurchenko. It is but as if she is the only one who wants tsuk.
Its been tears after tears of frustration this whole week everytime she goes home. I have been giving her my hug, support and listening ears. I dont know what to tell her anymore. I told her she shud talk to her coaches about where she wanna be this summer and before comp starts. I also gave her an option to ask permission if she can get private class from somewhere. (Her gym dont do privates, theres someone else who offers it but more conditioning that skill and apparatus training, and fhe schedule doesnt fit hers.
I am not sure if theres other options.
She refuse to move gyms.
This is their highest level so far.
It is their first year to have Level 8 with 2 girls. The other girl foes yurchenko.

Any advise wud be much appreciated.